Dr. Eleftheria Maria Pechlivani

Researcher B’

  • Physics Degree, AUTh (2006)
  • MSc in Physics and Technology, AUTh (2008)
  • PhD in Physics, AUTh (2013)

Dr. Eleftheria-Maria Pechlivani is a Senior Researcher Grade Β΄ at the Information Technologies Institute (ITI) of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) and R&D manager of the Additive Manufacturing Unit (AMU) of ITI from January 2020.

She has successfully organised and participated in more than 28 funded EU and National R&D projects, is the Project Coordinator of the Green Deal H2020 PestNu project and the E-SPFdigit HEU project, as well as the Scientific Coordinator of 6 NSRF projects.

She holds 10 patents and is the co-author of more than 40 publications in scientific refereed journals and book chapters, and she has more than 90 scientific papers at peer-reviewed international conferences.

Previously, she worked as the R&D&I manager of the OET P.C (Apr.2016 – Dec.2019), a high-tech company in the field of Organic & Printed Electronics. For more than 10 years she was working as a research scientist at Nanotechnology Lab LTFN and Applied Physics Laboratory of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh). She was a lecturer in N&N “Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies” – Interdisciplinary Post-Graduate Master Program at AUTh and a Board Member of the Hellenic Organic & Printed Electronics Association (HOPE-A) for the period 2018-2019.

Her research interests include: Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing, 3D Bio-printing, 3D Design, 3D Scanning), Quality Control and Metrology (in -line, in situ and real time), Flexible Electronics and Printed Organic Electronics, Smart Systems: sensors, IoT applications with AI functionalities, Open Design and Digital Manufacturing Platforms, Decision Support Systems supporting Industry 4.0, Agriculture 4.0, Circular Economy, Heritage/Culture, Health and Energy sector.

Recent Publications

Show all (57)

  • D. Kapetas, P. Christakakis, V. Goglia, E. M. Pechlivani, "AI-based robotic trap for real-time insect detection, monitoring and population prediction", , 6th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Applications and Systems (IPAS2025), Lyon, France, 2025, IEEE Xplore (accepted)
  • I. F. Kyriakidis, N. Kladovasilakis, E. M. Pechlivani, A. Korlos, C. David, K. Tsongas, "In Situ Investigation of Tensile Response for Inconel 718 Micro-Architected Materials Fabricated by Selective Laser Melting.", Materials 2024, 17, 4433. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma17174433
  • G. Gkogkos, E. M. Pechlivani, I. Hadjigeorgiou, D. Ioannidis, D. Tzovaras, "Aquaponic Farming with Advanced Decision Support System: Practical Implementation and Evaluation", , 6th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Applications and Systems (IPAS2025), Lyon, France, 2025, IEEE Xplore (accepted)
  • P. Christakakis, N. Giakoumoglou, D. Kapetas, D. Tzovaras, E. M. Pechlivani, "Vision Transformers in Optimization of AI-Based Early Detection of Botrytis cinerea", , AI 2024, 5, 1301-1323, https://doi.org/10.3390/ai5030063
  • N. Giakoumoglou, E. Kalogeropoulou, C. Klaridopoulos, E. M. Pechlivani, P. Christakakis, E. Markellou, N. Frangakis, D. Tzovaras, "Early detection of Botrytis cinerea symptoms using deep learning multi-spectral image segmentation", Smart Agricultural Technology, 2024, 8, 100481, ISSN 2772-3755 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atech.2024.100481
Dr. Eleftheria Maria Pechlivani
Building A - Office 0.1

Information Technologies Institute
Centre of Research & Technology - Hellas
6th km Harilaou - Thermis, 57001, Thermi - Thessaloniki
Tel.: +30 2311 257751
Fax: +30 2310 474128
Email: riapechl@iti.gr

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