Δημοσιεύσεις Σε Περιοδικά

  1. A. Psaltis, K. Apostolakis, K. Dimitropoulos, P. Daras, "Multimodal Student Engagement Recognition in Prosocial Games",IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games (T-CIAIG), DOI: 10.1109/TCIAIG.2017.2743341
  2. K. Stefanidis, K. Apostolakis, A. Psaltis, K. Dimitropoulos, P. Daras, "Learning prosocial skills through multi-adaptive games: a case study",Journal of Computers in Education, Springer, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp 167–190, March 2019.
  3. A. Psaltis, K. Apostolakis, K. Dimitropoulos, P. Daras, "Multimodal Student Engagement Recognition in Prosocial Games",IEEE Transactions on Games, Vol 10, Issue 3, Pages: 292-303, DOI: 10.1109/TCIAIG.2017.2743341, Sept 2018
  4. K. Apostolakis, A. Psaltis, K. Stefanidis, K. Kaza, S. Thermos, K. Dimitropoulos, E. Dimaraki, P. Daras, "Exploring the Prosociality Domains of Trust and Cooperation, through Single and Cooperative Digital Gameplay in Path of Trust",International Journal of Serious Games (IJSG), Vol: 3, No: 3, pp. 39-57, September 2016

Δημοσιεύσεις Σε Συνέδρια

  1. A. Kastellos, A. Psaltis, C. Z. Patrikakis, P. Daras, "FedHARM: Harmonizing Model Architectural Diversity in Federated Learning.", in Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2024), Milan, Italy.
  2. A. Psaltis, A. Kastellos, C. Z. Patrikakis, P. Daras, "FedLID: Self-Supervised Federated Learning for Leveraging Limited Image Data.",in Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision, October 2023, pp. 1039-1048.
  3. A. Psaltis, C. Chatzikonstantinou, C. Z. Patrikakis, P. Daras, "FedRCIL: Federated Knowledge Distillation for Representation based Contrastive Incremental Learning.",in Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops, 2023, pp. 3463-3472
  4. A. Psaltis, C. Z. Patrikakis, P. Daras, "Deep Multi-modal Representation Schemes for Federated 3D Human Action Recognition.", in Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ECCV 2022), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 13806, Springer, Cham, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-25075-0_24
  5. G. Kalitsios, L. Lazaridis, A. Psaltis, A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, "Vision-Enhanced System For Human-Robot Disassembly Factory Cells: Introducing A New Screw Dataset.", in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Computer Vision (ICRCV), September 2022.
  6. A. Ntovas, L. Lazaridis, A. Papadimitriou, A. Psaltis, A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, "Data-driven Haptic Feedback Utilizing an Object Manipulation Data-set",in IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), June, 2021.
  7. A. Psaltis, A. Dimou, F. Alvarez, P. Daras, "Flow R-CNN: Flow-enhanced Object Detection",in International Conference on Pattern Recognition Workshops, Milan, Italy, January 10-15, 2021.
  8. D. Du, I. Athanasiadis, A. Psaltis, A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, "VisDrone-DET2020: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results", In: Bartoli A., Fusiello A. (eds) Computer Vision – ECCV 2020 Workshops. ECCV 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12538. Springer, Cham. . https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-66823-5_42
  9. I. Athanasiadis, A. Psaltis, A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, "Enhancing Robot-Assisted WEEE Disassembly through Optimizing Automated Detection of Small Components", in European Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ECCVW), Glasgow, UK, August 23-28, 2020.
  10. I. Athanasiadis, A. Psaltis, A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, "Efficient Fine-grained Object Detection for Robot-assisted WEEE Disassembly", in International Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems, Freiburg, Germany, July 28-31, 2020.
  11. A. Psaltis, G. T. Papadopoulos, P. Daras, "Cross-domain Knowledge Transfer Schemes for 3D Human Action Recognition", 2019 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), A Coruna, Spain, 2019. DOI: 10.23919/EUSIPCO.2019.8902670
  12. K. Stavridis, A. Psaltis, A. Dimou, G.T. Papadopoulos, P. Daras, "Deep Spatio-Temporal Modeling for Object-Level Gaze-Based Relevance Assessment", 2019 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), A Coruna, Spain, 2019. DOI: 10.23919/EUSIPCO.2019.8902990
  13. A. Psaltis, G. T. Papadopoulos, P. Daras, "Deep 3D Flow Features for Human Action Recognition.",IEEE Int. Conf. on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI 2018), pp. 1-6, La Rochelle, France, September 2018.
  14. K. Apostolakis, K. Stefanidis, A. Psaltis, K. Dimitropoulos, P. Daras, "Offline and Online Adaptation in Prosocial Games",Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications (VS-Games 2017), Athens, Greece, September 2017.
  15. A. Psaltis, K. Kaza, K. Stefanidis, S. Thermos, K. Apostolakis, K. Dimitropoulos, P. Daras, "Multimodal Affective State Recognition in Serious Games Applications",2016 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST 2016), Chania, Greece, October 4-6, 2016.
  16. K. Kaza , A. Psaltis , K. Stefanidis , K. Apostolakis , S. Thermos , K. Dimitropoulos, P. Daras, "Body Motion Analysis for Emotion Recognition in Serious Games",HCI International 2016, Toronto, Canada, 17 - 22 July 2016.

Κεφάλαια Βιβλίων

  1. K. Apostolakis, K. Kaza, A. Psaltis, K. Stefanidis, S. Thermos, K. Dimitropoulos, E. Dimaraki, P. Daras, "Path of Trust: A prosocial co-op game for building up trustworthiness and teamwork",InΒ Games and Learning Alliance: Fourth International Conference, GALA 2015, Rome, Italy, December 9-11, 2015, Revised Selected Papers. Springer.