Βοηθός Έρευνας
Electrical and Computer Engineer with experience in Android development using Kotlin and Java.
Core Competencies:
• Android Studio • Kotlin • Compose • Retrofit • Room • Dependency injection • Java • XML • SQLite
Electrical and Computer Engineering (04/2023)
Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece
Thesis: “Global navigation satellite systems”
Additional training:
1. Meta Android Developer
2. Jetpack Compose for Android Developers
3. Gradle Build Caching
4. Mastering Multi-Modular & Clean Architecture in Android
5. Android basics with Compose
6. Programming mobile applications for Android handheld systems: Part 2
7. Programming mobile applications for Android handheld systems: Part 1
CERTH – Android developer (10/2024 – Present)
Freelance – Android developer (01/2023 – Present):
• Store Catalog (Kotlin / Compose / Retrofit / Coroutines)
• Recipe Cost Calculator (Java / XML / SQLite)
• Customers Map (Java / XML)
• Price List (Java / XML / SQLite)
• Calculator (Kotlin / Compose / Retrofit / Coroutines): Simple (not scientific) calculator android app with the ability to convert the amount between different currencies.
• Flight Search (Kotlin / Compose / Room / Preferences / Coroutines): Android app that allows users to search for airports, view flights, and save favorite routes.
• Bookshelf (Kotlin / Compose / Retrofit / Coroutines): Android app that fetches book data from the Google Books API.
• Daily Selfie (Java / XML): Android app that integrates with a pre-installed camera app to store images in a separate directory and sets periodic notifications (via alarms) linking back to the app.
• Modern Art UI (Java / XML): Android app that features a modern art-inspired UI where users control colored rectangles with a SeekBar and access additional information via an Options Menu.
Additional Information:
Languages: Greek (native), English (Β2), German (Β1)
Ινστιτούτο Τεχνολογιών Πληροφορικής και Επικοινωνιών
Εθνικό Κέντρο Έρευνας & Τεχνολογικής Ανάπτυξης
Email: dimifili@iti.gr