Δημοσιεύσεις Σε Περιοδικά

  1. S. Wilson-Barnes, L. Gymnopoulos, K. Dimitropoulos, V. Solachidis, K. Rouskas, D. Russell, Y. Oikonomidis, S. Hadjidimitriou, J. Marıa Botana, B. Brkic, E. Mantovani, S. Gravina, G. Telo, E. Lalama, R. Buys, M. Hassapidou, S. Balula Dias, A. Batista, L. Perone, S. Bryant, S. Maas, S. Cobello, P. Bacelar, S. A. Lanham-New, K. Hart, "PeRsOnalised nutriTion for hEalthy livINg: The PROTEIN project.", Nutrition Bulletin, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 77-87, February 2021.
  2. E. Patra, A. Kokkinopoulou, S. Wilson-Barnes, K. Hart, L. Gymnopoulos, D. Tsatsou, V. Solachidis, K. Dimitropoulos, K. Rouskas, A. Argyriou, E. Lalama, M. Csanalosi, A. F. H. Pfeiffer, V. Cornelissen, E. Decorte, S. B. Dias, Y. Oikonomidis, J. M. Botana, R. Leoni, D. Russell, E. Mantovani, M. Aleksić, B. Brkić, M. Hassapidou, I. Pagkalos, "Personal goals, user engagement, and meal adherence within a personalized AI-based mobile application for nutrition and physical activity.", Life, vol. 14, no. 10, 2024. https://doi.org/10.3390/life14101238
  3. D. Tsolakidis, L. Gymnopoulos, K. Dimitropoulos, "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Technologies for Personalized Nutrition: A Review.", Informatics, vol. 11, no. 3, 2024. https://doi.org/10.3390/informatics11030062
  4. S. L. Wilson-Barnes, I. Pagkalos, E. Patra, A. Kokkinopoulou, M. Hassapidou, E. Lalama, M. Csanalosi, S. Kabisch, A. F. H. Pfeiffer, E. DeCorte, V. Cornelissen, P. Bacelar, S. Balula Dias, K. Stefanidis, D. Tsatsou, L. Gymnopoulos, K. Dimitropoulos, K. Rouskas, N. Argiriou, R. Leoni, J. M. Botana, D. Russell, S. A. Lanham-New, K. Hart, "The Development of an EU-Wide Nutrition and Physical Activity Expert Knowledge Base to Support a Personalised Mobile Application Across Various EU Population Groups.",Nutrion Bulletin.
  5. E. Decorte, S. Wilson Barnes, K. Hart, K. Stefanidis, L. Gymnopoulos, K. Rouskas, A. Argiriou, R. Leoni, D. Russell, E. Lalama, A. Pfeiffer, I. Pagkalos, S. Dias, A. Batista, V. Cornelissen, "A pilot trial guiding development and investigating feasibility and usability as well as preliminary effectiveness of the PROTEIN application: personalized nutrition for healthy living.", European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, vol. 30, no. Supplement_1, June 2023. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurjpc/zwad125.220
  6. M. Csanalosi, E. Lalama, S. Kabisch, S. Wilson-Barnes, K. Hart, K. Dimitropoulos, L. Gymnopoulos, P. Daras, A. Argiriou, M. Hassapidou, I. Pagkalos, R. Buys, V. Cornelissen, S. Dias, A. Pfeiffer, "Personalized Nutrition for Healthy Living (PROTEIN-Study): Evaluation of a Mobile Application in Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes and Prediabetes.", Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel, vol. 18, 2023, doi: 10.1055/s-0043-1767997
  7. S. Balula Dias, Y. Oikonomidis, J. Alves Diniz, F. Baptista, F. Carnide, A. Bensenousi, J. Botana, D. Tsatsou, K. Stefanidis, L. Gymnopoulos, K. Dimitropoulos, P. Daras, A. Argiriou, K. Rouskas, S. Wilson-Barnes, K. Hart, N. Merry, D. Russell, J. Konstantinova, E. Lalama, A. Pfeiffer, A. Kokkinopoulou, M. Hassapidou, I. Pagkalos, E. Patra, R. Buys, V. Cornelissen, A. Batista, S. Cobello, E. Milli, C. Vagnozzi, S. Bryant, S. Maas, P. Bacelar, S. Gravina, J. Vlaskalin, B. Brkic, G. Telo, E. Mantovani, O. Gkotsopoulou, D. Iakovakis, S. Hadjidimitriou, V. Charisis, L. Hadjileontiadis, "Users' Perspective on the AI-Based Smartphone PROTEIN App for Personalized Nutrition and Healthy Living: A modified Technology Acceptance Model (mTAM) Approach.", Frontiers in Nutrition, 2022.
  8. K. Stefanidis, D. Tsatsou, D. Konstantinidis, L. Gymnopoulos, P. Daras, S. Wilson-Barnes, K. Hart, V. Cornelissen, E. Decorte, E. Lalama, A. Pfeiffer, M. Hassapidou, I. Pagkalos, A. Argiriou, K. Rouskas, S. Hadjidimitriou, V. Charisis, S. Balula Dias, J. Alves Diniz, G. Telo, H. Silva, A. Bensenousi, K. Dimitropoulos, "PROTEIN AI Advisor: A Knowledge-Based Recommendation Framework Using Expert-Validated Meals for Healthy Diets.", Nutrients, vol. 14, no. 20, 2022.

Δημοσιεύσεις Σε Συνέδρια

  1. A. Chatziavgeri, M. Guldas, N. Boqué Terré, A. E. Hamdouchi, L. Gymnopoulos, K. Dimitropoulos, "Promoting the Mediterranean Diet: A Co-design Game Approach.", in Proceedings of HCI International 2023 Posters (HCII 2023), vol. 1833, Springer, Cham, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-35992-7_4
  2. S. Wilson-Barnes, L. Pongcharoenyong, L. Gymnopoulos, K. Dimitropoulos, M. Jaksic, A. Mihajlović, B. Brkic, S. Lanham-New, K. Hart, "The utility of breath volatile organic compound (VOC) sampling as a biomarker of sub-optimal nutritional status: A UK pilot study.", in Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 81(OCE4), doi: 10.1017/S0029665122001197
  3. T. Kalvourtzis, L. Gymnopoulos, E. Milli, S. Cobello, K. Dimitropoulos, P. Daras, "Robo-cook’s Path: An online multiplayer board dietary game.", in Proceedings of the International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments Conference (PETRA 2022), Corfu, Greece, June-July, 2022.
  4. Y. You, M. Lecca, M. Gottardi, G. Urlini, N. Vretos, L. Gymnopoulos, P. Daras, "A Battery Powered Vision Sensor for Forensic Evidence Gathering",13th International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras, Trento, Italy, 9-11 September 2019.
  5. T. Theodoridis, V. Solachidis, K. Dimitropoulos, L. Gymnopoulos, P. Daras, "A Survey on AI Nutrition Recommender Systems",12th International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments Conference, June 5-7, 2019, Rhodes, Greece