Δημοσιεύσεις Σε Περιοδικά

  1. I. Gkekas, S. Katsamakas, S. Mylonas, T. Fotopoulou, G. Ε. Magoulas, A. C. Tenchiu, M. Dimitriou, A. Axenopoulos, N. Rossopoulou, S. Kostova, E. E. Wanker, T. Katsila, D. Papahatjis, V. G. Gorgoulis, M. Koufaki, I. Karakasiliotis, T. Calogeropoulou, P. Daras, S. Petrakis, "AI Promoted Virtual Screening, Structure-Based Hit Optimization, and Synthesis of Novel COVID-19 S-RBD Domain Inhibitors.",Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, JCIM, vol.65, no. 22, pp. 8562-8585, 2024, doi: 10.1021/acs.jcim.4c01110
  2. A. M. Papadopoulos, A. Iatrou, A. Axenopoulos, A. Agathangelidis, K. Stamatopoulos , P. Daras, "DeepSurf2. 0: A Deep Learning Approach for Predicting Interactions of B Cell Receptors with Antigens.", Blood, vol. 142, pp. 3930, 2 November 2023.
  3. S. Mylonas, A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, "SHREC 2022: Protein–ligand binding site recognition.", Computers & Graphics, vol. 107, pp. 20-31, October 2022.
  4. S. Mylonas, A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, "DeepSurf: A surface-based deep learning approach for the prediction of ligand binding sites on proteins.",Bioinformatics, vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 1681-1690, June 2021. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.05643
  5. A. Axenopoulos, V. Eiselein, A. Penta, E. Koblents, E. La Mattina, P. Daras, T. Semertzidis, M. Lazaridis, A. Dimou, T. Senst, J. Amores, F. Alvarez, L. Kondrad, G. Vella, A. Randazzo, P. Pomo, "A framework for large-scale analysis of video 'in the Wild' to assist digital forensic examination",in IEEE Security & Privacy, Vol. 17 , Issue 1 , Jan.-Feb. 2019, pp. 23-33.
  6. A. Axenopoulos, D. Rafailidis, Ge. Papadopoulos, E. Houstis, P. Daras, "Similarity Search of Flexible 3D Molecules combining Local and Global Shape Descriptors",IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Volume 13 Issue 5, Pages 954-970, Sep.-Oct 2016
  7. D. Rafailidis, A. Axenopoulos, J. Etzold, S. Manolopoulou, P. Daras, "Content-based Tag Propagation and Tensor Factorization for Personalized Item Recommendation based on Social Tagging",ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems, Volume 3 Issue 4, Article No. 26, January 2014.
  8. M. Lazaridis, A. Axenopoulos, D. Rafailidis, P. Daras, "Multimedia Search and Retrieval using Multimodal Annotation Propagation and Indexing Techniques",in Elsevier Journal Signal Processing: Image Communication, Special Issue on Visual Search and Augmented Reality, Vol. 28, Issue 4, April 2013, Pages 351–367, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.image.2012.04.001
  9. A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, Ge. Papadopoulos, E. Houstis, "SP-Dock: Protein-Protein Docking using Shape and Physicochemical Complementarity",IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Volume 10 Issue 1, Pages 135-150, January 2013
  10. P. Daras, S. Manolopoulou, A. Axenopoulos, "Search and Retrieval of Rich Media Objects Supporting Multiple Multimodal Queries",IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol. 14, No. 3, Page(s): 734 - 746, June 2012
  11. P. Daras, A. Axenopoulos, G. Litos, "Investigating the Effects of Multiple Factors towards more Accurate 3D Object Retrieval",IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Vol. 14, No. 2, Page(s): 374 – 388, April 2012
  12. P. Daras, A. Axenopoulos, V. Darlagiannis, D. Tzovaras, X. Le Bourdon, L. Joyeux, A. Verroust-Blondet, V. Croce, T. Steiner, A. Massari, A. Camurri, S. Morin, A-D. Mezaour, L. Sutton, S. Spiller, "Introducing a Unified Framework for Content Object Description",International Journal of Multimedia Intelligence and Security, Vol. 2, No. 3-4, pp. 351-375, 2011, DOI 10.1504/IJMIS.2011.044765
  13. A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, Ge. Papadopoulos, E. Houstis, "A Shape Descriptor for Fast Complementarity Matching in Molecular Docking",IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, DOI: 10.1109/TCBB.2011.72, 2011
  14. D. Giakoumis, M. Lazaridis, J. Trnkoczy, A. Axenopoulos, G. Paravati, A. Sanna, F. Lamberti, D. Tzovaras, G. Hassapis, "Search and retrieval of multimedia objects over a distributed P2P network for mobile devices", IEEE Wireless Communications, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 42–49, Oct. 2009.
  15. P. Daras, A. Axenopoulos, "A 3D Shape Retrieval Framework Supporting Multimodal Queries",SPRINGER, International Journal of Computer Vision, DOI 10.1007/s11263-009-0277-2, Jul 2009
  16. A. Mademlis, P. Daras, A. Axenopoulos, D. Tzovaras, M. G. Strintzis, "Combining Topological and Geometrical Features for Global and Partial 3D Shape Retrieval",IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, Vol. 10, No. 5, pp. 819–831, Aug. 2008.
  17. D. Zarpalas, P. Daras, A. Axenopoulos, D. Tzovaras, M. G. Strintzis, "3D Model Search and Retrieval Using the Spherical Trace Transform",Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Vol.2007, article ID 23912, pp. 1-14, Jan 2007, doi:10.1155/2007/23912
  18. P. Daras, D. Zarpalas, A. Axenopoulos, D. Tzovaras, M. G. Strintzis, "3D Shape-Structure Comparison Method for Protein Classification",IEEE/ACM transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 193-207, Jul 2006

Δημοσιεύσεις Σε Συνέδρια

  1. A. M. Papadopoulos, A. Iatrou, A. Axenopoulos, P. Ghia, K. Stamatopoulos, F. Alvarez, P. Daras, "DeepSurf2-FF: Introducing Force Fields in Deep Learning for Improving in-Silico Prediction of Bcr-Antigen Interactions in B Cell Lymphomas.",in Proceedings of the 66th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, California, December 7-10, 2024.
  2. K. Pliatsika, I. Gkekas, S. Mylonas, S. Katsamakas, E. Pechlivani, L. J. Berg, A. Axenopoulos, B. van de Warrenburg, K. Xanthopoulos, P. Daras, M. Peitz, S. Petrakis, "An AI-predicted chemical compound suppresses ATXN1 protein aggregation and rescues iNSC-derived SCA1 neurons from cell death.",in Proceedings of the International Congress for Ataxia Research, ICAR 2024, London, UK, November 2024.
  3. A. M. Papadopoulos, A. Iatrou, A. Axenopoulos, A. Agathangelidis, K. Stamatopoulos, P. Daras, "DeepSurf2.0: A Deep Learning Approach for Predicting Interactions of B Cell Receptors With Antigens.", in Proceedings of Blood 2023, San Diego, CA, USA, Dec. 9-12, 2023.
  4. C. Chatzikonstantinou, G. Valasidis, K. Stavridis, G. Malogiannis, A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, "UCF-CAP, Video Captioning in the Wild.", in Proceedings od the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Bordeaux, France, 2022, pp. 1386-1390. doi: 10.1109/ICIP46576.2022.9898011
  5. G. Kalitsios, L. Lazaridis, A. Psaltis, A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, "Vision-Enhanced System For Human-Robot Disassembly Factory Cells: Introducing A New Screw Dataset.", in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Computer Vision (ICRCV), September 2022.
  6. A. Ntovas, L. Lazaridis, A. Papadimitriou, A. Psaltis, A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, "Data-driven Haptic Feedback Utilizing an Object Manipulation Data-set",in IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), June, 2021.
  7. F. Langenfeld, Y. Peng, Y. Lai, P. L. Rosin, T. Aderinwale, G. Terashi, C. Christoffer, D. Kihara, H. Benhabiles, K. Hammoudi, A. Cabani, F. Windal, M. Melkemi, A. Giachetti, S. Mylonas, A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, E. Otu, R. Zwiggelaar, D. Hunter, Y. Liu, M. Montès, "SHREC 2020: Multi-domain protein shape retrieval challenge", Computers & Graphics 91 (2020): 189-198.
  8. D. Du, I. Athanasiadis, A. Psaltis, A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, "VisDrone-DET2020: The Vision Meets Drone Object Detection in Image Challenge Results", In: Bartoli A., Fusiello A. (eds) Computer Vision – ECCV 2020 Workshops. ECCV 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12538. Springer, Cham. . https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-66823-5_42
  9. S. Mylonas, A. Axenopoulos, S. Katsamakas, I. Gkekas, K. Stamatopoulos, S. Petrakis, P. Daras, "Deep Learning-assisted Pipeline for Virtual Screening of Ligand Compound Databases: Application on Inhibiting the Entry of SARS-CoV-2 into Human Cells", in 20th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering (IEEE BIBE), USA, October 26-28, 2020.
  10. I. Athanasiadis, A. Psaltis, A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, "Enhancing Robot-Assisted WEEE Disassembly through Optimizing Automated Detection of Small Components", in European Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ECCVW), Glasgow, UK, August 23-28, 2020.
  11. I. Athanasiadis, A. Psaltis, A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, "Efficient Fine-grained Object Detection for Robot-assisted WEEE Disassembly", in International Conference on Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems, Freiburg, Germany, July 28-31, 2020.
  12. A. Nikolaidou, M. Lazaridis, T. Semertzidis, A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, "Forensic Analysis of Heterogeneous Social Media Data",In Proc. 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019) - Vol. 2: KEOD, pp 343-350, September 17-19, 2019, Vienna.
  13. G.T. Papadopoulos, A. Axenopoulos, D. Giakoumis, I. Kostavelis, A. Papadimitriou, S. Sillaurren, L. Bastida, O. S. Oguz, D. Wollherr, E. Garnics, V. Vouloutsi, P. Verschure, D. Tzovaras, P. Daras, "A hybrid human-robot collaborative environment for recycling electrical and electronic equipment",5th IEEE Int. Conf. on Internet of People (IoP 2019), 19-23 August, Leicester, UK.
  14. Κ. Zafeirouli, Α. Dimou, A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, "Efficient, Lightweight, Coordinate-Based Network for Image Super Resolution",25th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/IEEE ITMC 2019), Sophia Antipolis Innovation Park, France, 17-19 June 2019.
  15. F. Langenfeld, A. Axenopoulos, H. Benhabiles, P. Daras, A. Giachetti, X. Han, K. Hammoudi, D. Kihara, T. M. Lai, H. Liu, M. Melkemi, S. Mylonas, G. Terashi, Y. Wang, F. Windal, M. Montess, "SHREC’19 Protein Shape Retrieval Contest",12th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 5-6 May 2019, Genova, Italy.
  16. N. Bastas, T. Semertzidis, A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, "evolve2vec: Learning Network Representations Using Temporal Unfolding", In: Kompatsiaris I., Huet B., Mezaris V., Gurrin C., Cheng WH., Vrochidis S. (eds) MultiMedia Modeling. MMM 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11295. Springer, Cham, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-05710-7_37
  17. F. Langenfeld, A. Axenopoulos, A. Chatzitofis, D. Craciun, P. Daras, B. Du, A. Giachetti, Y. Lai, H. Li, Y. Li, M. Masoumi, Y. Peng, P. L. Rosin, J. Sirugue, L. Sun, S. Thermos, M. Toews, Y. Wei, Y. Wu, Y. Zhai, T. Zhao, Y. Zheng, M. Montes, "SHREC 2018: Protein Shape Retrieval",11th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 16 April 2018, Delft, The Netherlands.
  18. K. Karageorgos, A. Dimou, A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, "Semantic Filtering for Video Stabilization",14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), Lecce, Italy, 29 Aug – 1 Sept, 2017
  19. M. Savva, F. Yu, H. Su, A. Kanezaki, T. Furuya, R. Ohbuchi, Z. Zhou, R. Yu, S. Bai, X. Bai, M. Aono, A. Tatsuma, S. Thermos, A. Axenopoulos, G. T. Papadopoulos, P. Daras, X. Deng, Z. Lian, B. Li, H. Johan, Y. Lu, S. Mk, "SHREC'17 track: Large-Scale 3D Shape Retrieval from ShapeNet Core55",Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 2017
  20. T. Semertzidis, A. Axenopoulos, P. Karadimos, P. Daras, "Soft Biometrics in Low Resolution and Low Quality CCTV Videos",7th International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP-16), Madrid, 23-25 November, 2016
  21. A. Dimou, A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, "Introducing Target Profiling for Context-Aware Tracking",6th International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP-15), London, 16th-17th July, 2015.
  22. A. Dimou, D. Matsiki, A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, "A user-centric approach for event-driven summarisation of surveillance videos",6th International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP-15), London, 16th-17th July, 2015.
  23. G. T. Papadopoulos, A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, "Real-time Skeleton-tracking-based Human Action Recognition Using Kinect Data",20th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling (MMM 2014), Dublin, Ireland, 6-10 Jan 2014
  24. T. Steiner, L. Sutton, S. Spiller, M. Lazzaro, F. Nucci, V. Croce, A. Massari, A. Camurri, A. Verroust-Blondet, L. Joyeux, J. Etzold, P. Grimm, A. Mademlis, S. Malassiotis, P. Daras, A. Axenopoulos, D. Tzovaras, "One Size Does Not Fit All - Multimodal Search on Mobile and Desktop Devices with the I-SEARCH Search Engine", ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR 2012), Hong Kong, 5-8 Jun. 2012.
  25. T. Steiner, L. Sutton, S. Spiller, M. Lazzaro, F. S. Nucci, V. C., A. Massari, A. Camurri, A. Verroust-Blondet, L. Joyeux, J., P. Grimm, A. Mademlis, S. Malassiotis, P. Daras, A. Axenopoulos, D. Tzovaras, "I-SEARCH – A Multimodal Search Engine based on Rich Unified Content Description (RUCoD)", World Wide Web 2012, EU projects track, Lyon, France, 16-20 Apr. 2012.
  26. A. Axenopoulos, S. Manolopoulou, P. Daras, "Optimizing Multimedia Retrieval using Multimodal Fusion and Relevance Feedback Techniques", 18th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling (MMM 2012), January 4-6, 2012, Klagenfurt, Austria.
  27. A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, Ge. Papadopoulos, E. Houstis, "3D Protein-Protein Docking using Shape Complementarity and Fast Alignment", IEEE int Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2011, Sep 11-14, Brussels
  28. A. Axenopoulos, S. Manolopoulou, P. Daras, "Multimodal Search and Retrieval using Manifold Learning and Query Formulation", ACM International Conference on 3D Web Technology, June 20-22, 2011, Paris, France
  29. A. Axenopoulos, G. Litos, P. Daras, "3D Model Retrieval using Accurate Pose Estimation and View-based Similarity", 1st ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR2011), April 17-20, Trento, Italy.
  30. H. Dutagaci, A. Godil, P. Daras, A. Axenopoulos, G. Litos, S. Manolopoulou, K. Goto, T. Yanagimachi, Y. Kurita, S. Kawamura, T. Furuya, R. Ohbuchi, B. Gong, J. Liu, X. Tang, "SHREC’11 Track: Generic Shape Retrieval", 4th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval (3DOR 2011), April 10, 2011, Llandudno (UK).
  31. A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, D. Tzovaras, "Towards the Creation of a Unified Framework for Multimodal Search and Retrieval", 2nd International ICST Conference on User Centric Media (UCMedia 2010), Palma de Mallorca, Sep. 2010.
  32. A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, Ge. Papadopoulos, E. Houstis, "Protein-Protein Docking using the Shape Impact Descriptor", 5th Conference of Hellenic Crystallographic Association (HECRA2010), Larissa, Greece, September 2010
  33. P. Daras, A. Axenopoulos, "A Compact Multi-View Descriptor for 3D Object Retrieval", IEEE 7th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI 2009), Chania, Greece, Jun 2009
  34. C. Akgul, A. Axenopoulos, B. Bustos, M. Chaouch, P. Daras, H. Dutagaci, T. Furuya, A. Godil, S. Kreft, Z. Lian, T. Napoleon, A. Mademlis, R. Ohbuchi, P. L. Rosin, B. Sankur, T. Schreck, X. Sun, M. Tezuka, Y. Yemez, A. Verroust-Blondet, M.Walter, "SHREC 2009 - Generic Shape Retrieval Contest",30th International conference on EUROGRAPHICS 2009, workshop on 3D object retrieval, Munich, Germany, Mar 2009
  35. A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, H. Dutagaci, T. Furuya, A. Godil, R. Ohbuchi, "SHREC 2009 - Shape Retrieval Contest of Partial 3D Models", 30th International conference on EUROGRAPHICS 2009, Workshop on 3D object retrieval, Munich, Germany, Mar 2009
  36. J. Hartveldt, M. Spagnuolo, A. Axenopoulos, S. Biasotti, P. Daras, H. Dutagaci, T. Furuya, A. Godil, X. Li, A. Mademlis, S. Marini, T. Napoleon, R. Ohbuchi, M. Tezuka, "SHREC’09 Track: Structural Shape Retrieval on Watertight Models",30th International conference on EUROGRAPHICS 2009, workshop on 3D object retrieval, Munich, Germany, Mar 2009
  37. A. Mademlis, A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, D. Tzovaras, M. G. Strintzis, "3D Content-based Search based on 3D Krawtchouk moments",3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT 2006), University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA, June 2006.
  38. P. Daras, D. Tzovaras, A. Mademlis, A. Axenopoulos, D. Zarpalas, M. G. Strintzis, "3D search and retrieval using Krawtchouk moments",3D Shape Retrieval Contest (SHREC2006), Technical report, UU-CS-2006-030, ISSN: 0924-3275, June 2006.
  39. A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, D. Zarpalas, D. Tzovaras, M. G. Strintzis, "3D content-based search and retrieval using the 2D polar wavelet transform", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2005), Genova, Italy, Sep. 2005, vol-II, pp. 1146-1149.
  40. A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, D. Tzovaras, M. G. Strintzis, "3D Object Retrieval Using 3D Packet Wavelet Transform and Knowledge Interpretation", in First International Workshop Towards Semantic Virtual Environments (SVE’05), Villars, Switzerland, Mar. 2005, pp. 86-95.

Κεφάλαια Βιβλίων

  1. L. Nanni, F. Pasquali, S. Brahnam, A. Lumini, A. Axenopoulos, "Convolutional Neural Networks for 3D Protein Classification", In Deep Learners and Deep Learner Descriptors for Medical Applications (pp. 237-250). Springer, Cham. (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-42750-4_9,2020
  2. A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, S. Malassiotis, V. Croce, M. Lazzaro, J. Etzold, P. Grimm, A. Massari, A. Camurri, T. Steiner, D. Tzovaras, "I-SEARCH: a Unified Framework for Multimodal Search and Retrieval",Future Internet Assembly 2012: From Technological Promises to Reality (FIA Book 2012), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 7281, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-30241-1, pp 130-141, 2012
  3. A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, "3D Object Retrieval: Challenges and Research Directions",IEEE Communications Society MMTC E-letter, Vol. 6, No. 11, November 2011.