Δημοσιεύσεις Σε Περιοδικά

  1. I. Lazarou, A. M. Krooupa, S. Nikolopoulos, L. Apostolidis, N. Sarris, S. Papadopoulos, I. Kompatsiaris, "Cancer Patients’ Perspectives and Requirements of Digital Health Technologies: A Scoping Literature Review.", Cancers, vol. 16, no. 13, June 2024. https://doi.org/10.3390/cancers16132293
  2. I. Sarridis, V. Gkatziaki, E. Krasanakis, N. Giatsoglou, N. Sarris, S. Papadopoulos, I. Kompatsiaris, "TALK: A decentralised messaging framework that preserves the privacy of users.", Open Research Europe, 2023.
  3. N. Sarris, N. Grammalidis, M. G. Strintzis, "FAP Extraction Using Three Dimensional Motion Estimation", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 12, No. 10, pp.865-876, October 2002
  4. N. Grammalidis, N. Sarris, F. Deligianni, M. G. Strintzis, "Three Dimensional Facial Adaptation for MPEG-4 Talking Heads", EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Special Issue on Signal Processing for 3D Imaging and Virtual Reality, Vol. 2002, No. 10, pp. 1005-1020, October 2002
  5. N. Sarris, N. Grammalidis, M. G. Strintzis, "Building Three-Dimensional Head Models", Graphical Models, Vol. 63, No 5, pp. 333-368, Academic Press, September 2001
  6. N. Sarris, M. G. Strintzis, "Construction of a Videophone for the Hearing Impaired using MPEG-4 Tools", IEEE Multimedia special issue on , July 2001

Δημοσιεύσεις Σε Συνέδρια

  1. A. Boikou, E. Hamilos, N. Sarris, S. Nikolopoulos, I. Kompatsiaris, "Living Labs as an open innovation network: the ArtCast4D case study for immersive art environments.",in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Rethinking Clusters, Valencia, Spain, September 28 - 29, 2023.
  2. Z. Marinova, J. Spangenberg, D. Teyssou, S. Papadopoulos, N. Sarris, A. Alaphilippe, K. Bontcheva, "Weverify: Wider and Enhanced Verification for You Project Overview and Tools", In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo Workshops (ICMEW) (pp. 1-4). IEEE, July 2020
  3. A. Drosou, N. Dimitriou, N. Sarris, A. Konstantinidis, D. Tzovaras, "Research directions for harvesting cross-sectorial correlations towards improved policy making", Data for Policy 2016, Cambridge, UK, 15-16 Sep. 2016.
  4. I. Kompatsiaris, S. Diplaris, D. Corney, N. Heise, M. Klusch, E. Jaho, J. Geurts, I. Liu, G. Petkos, S. Papadopoulos, N. Sarris, A. Goker, J. Spangenberg, "Real-time social media indexing and search", In: IET Conference Proceedings, International Broadcasting Community Conference 2014 (IBC 2014), Amsterdam, Netherlands, p. 5.3-5.3.
  5. S. Diplaris, G. Petkos, S. Papadopoulos, I. Kompatsiaris, N. Sarris, C. Martin, A. Goker, D. Corney, J. Geurts, Y. Liu, J.-C. Point, "SocialSensor: Surfacing Real-Time Trends and Insights from Multiple Social Networks", In Proceedings of the 2012 NEM Summit. Istanbul, Turkey, 47-52.
  6. P. Villegas, N. Sarris, J. Picault, I. Kompatsiaris, "Creating a MESH of Multimedia News Feeds", European Workshop on the Integration of Knowledge, Semantics and Digital Media Technologies, EWIMT 2005, London, UK, November 30 - December 1, 2005.
  7. M. Papadogiorgaki, N. Grammalidis, N. Sarris, and M. G. Strintzis, "Synthesis of Virtual Reality Animation from Sign Language Notation using MPEG-4 Body Animation Parameters", International Conference Series on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies New College, Oxford, UK, September 2004
  8. M. Papadogiorgaki, N. Grammalidis, N. Sarris, and M. G. Strintzis, "Synthesis of Virtual Reality Animations from SWML using MPEG-4 Body Animation Parameters", Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages, 4th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation LREC 2004, Lisbon, Portugal, May 2004
  9. M. Papadogiorgaki, N. Grammalidis, L. Makris, N. Sarris, and M. G. Strintzis, "VSigns", Proc. Sixth COST 276 Workshop on Information and Knowledge Management for Integrated Media Communication,Thessaloniki, Greece, May 2004
  10. N. Grammalidis, N. Sarris, M. G. Strintzis, "Generation of Personalized MPEG-4 compliant Talking Heads", in Proc. 2002 Tyrrhenian International Workshop on Digital Communications (IWDC 2002), pp. 185-190, Capri, Italy, September 2002
  11. N. Sarris, N. Grammalidis, M. G. Strintzis, "Detection of Human Faces in Images using a Novel Neural Network Technique", in Proc. International Conference on Neural Networks and Applications (NNA '01), Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, February 2001
  12. N. Sarris, N. Grammalidis, M. G. Strintzis, "A Novel Neural Network Technique for the Detection of Human Faces in Visual Scenes", NEUREL 2000 - Fifth Seminar on Neural Network Applications in Electrical Engineering, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, September 2000
  13. N. Sarris, M. G. Strintzis, "Three Dimensional Facial Model Adaptation", IEEE Int'l Conference on Image Processing, ICIP2000, Vancouver, Canada, September 2000
  14. N. Grammalidis, N. Sarris, Ch. Barzokas, M. G. Strintzis, "Generation Of 3-D Head Models From Multiple Images Using Ellipsoid Approximation For The Rear Part", IEEE Int'l Conference on Image Processing, ICIP2000, Vancouver, Canada, September 2000
  15. N. Sarris, D. Simitopoulos, M. G. Strintzis, "'LipTelephone': A Videophone for the Deaf", MIE 2000 Conference, Hannover, Germany, pp. 1215-1219, August 2000
  16. N. Sarris, P. Karagiannis, M. G. Strintzis, "Automatic Extraction of Facial Feature Points for MPEG4 Videophone Applications", 2000 International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Los Angeles, U.S.A., June 2000
  17. G. Tzanetos, N. Sarris, M. G. Strintzis, "A Novel Neural Network Technique for the Detection of Human Faces in Visual Scenes", Sixth Int'l Conference on Applications of High-Performance Computers in Engineering, Maui, Hawaii, January 2000
  18. N. Sarris, G. Tzanetos, M. G. Strintzis, "Three Dimensional Model Adaptation and Tracking of a Human Face", 4th European Conference on Multimedia Applications, Services and Techniques, ECMAST'99, Madrid (Spain), May 1999
  19. N. Sarris, D. Makris, M. G. Strintzis, "Three Dimensional Model Based Rigid Tracking of a Human Head", Int'l Workshop on Intelligent Communication Technologies and Applications with Emphasis on Mobile Communications, Neuchatel, Switzerland, May 1999
  20. N. Sarris, N. Pachtas, M. G. Strintzis, D. Mitrakos, "Model Based Communication for Purposes of Tutoring in Internet-Based Distance Learning Systems", Int'l Conference on Telecommunications, ICT'98, Sithonia, Greece, June 1998
  21. J. Benoit-Pineau, N. Sarris, D. Barba, M. G. Strintzis, "Video Coding For Wireless Varying Bit Rate Communication Based on Areas of Interest and Region Representation", 4th Int'l Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 97), Santa Barbara, CA, October 1997

Κεφάλαια Βιβλίων

  1. A. Sappa, N. Aifanti, N. Grammalidis and S. Malassiotis (N. Sarris, M. G. Strintzis eds. ), "Advances in Vision-Based Human Body Modeling", in N. Sarris, M.G. Strintzis eds, 3D Modeling and Animation: Synthesis and Analysis Techniques for the Human Body, Idea Group Publishing, pp. 1-26, April 2004
  2. N. Sarris, M. G. Strintzis, "MPEG-4 Facial Animation and its Application to a Videophone System for the Deaf",