An All-Wireless Mobile Network Architecture
Project ID
Funding Organization:
Funding Programme:
IST: Information Society Technologies - Specific Targeted Research Project
Start Date:
36 months
Scientific Responsible:
Prof. Leandros Tassiulas

The WIP project aims at studying how to build an all-wireless Internet that could grow and gradually replace the existing Internet. In our vision, the access points of unlicensed cellular networks cooperate to create a wireless communication infrastructure. Such a wireless network “backbone” must be self-organizing to maximize the network capacity and capabilities. Ultimately, the all-wireless interconnection of cooperating access points will only require limited connectivity to the wired infrastructure. We call this all-wireless infrastructure the Radio Internet. The goal of the project is to study how to make the Radio Internet become a reality with an Internet-like growth towards a scalable and robust communication infrastructure.

The objective of the project is to design, implement, and experimentally validate an all-wireless interconnection architecture based on advanced wireless transmission techniques, mesh networking, cross-layer optimization, and mechanisms for seamless mobility. We will develop a suitable measurement methodology and set up experimental prototypes to validate our concepts. Testbeds will be used or deployed for proof-of-concept and validation of the proposed architecture and communication mechanisms.

We believe that to achieve the vision of the Radio Internet, we need to adopt a disruptive approach with respect to the current Internet: rethink the overall architecture with wireless networks as the central technology and propose a new interconnection architecture founded on the principle of all-wireless networks with some isolated wired long-haul links. By defining new topology and routing schemes, designing simple interconnection rules, elaborating new performances objectives, and designing self-configuring, and self healing mechanisms, a large number of wireless access networks can be dynamically interconnected to provide wide coverage with a large capacity. In addition, such a network infrastructure will enable new mobility perspectives.


Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris (France) (Coordinator)
Intel Research, Cambridge (UK)
Siemens AG, Munich (Germany)
Telecommunications Technological Center of Catalonia, Barcelona (Spain)

– Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, LSR Laboratory, Grenoble (France)

Instituto de Telecomunicaηυes, Lisbon and Aveiro (Portugal)

– Informatics & Telematics Institute, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (Greece)


Prof. Leandros Tassiulas (Scientific Responsible)

: +30 24210 74980
Fax: +30 24210 74997
E-mail: leandros@iti.gr
URL: http://www.inf.uth.gr/~leandros