
A platform for virtual-interactive commercial exhibitions
Project ID
Funding Organization:
Prefecture of Central Macedonia
Funding Programme:
B.P. Central Macedonia 2014-2020
Funding Instrument:
Innovation Investment Plans
Start Date:
24 months
Total Budget:
391,150 EUR
ITI Budget:
168,000 EUR
Scientific Responsible:

The target of the VRExpo project is the development of a platform for the easy and without special technical knowledge creation of virtual-interactive kiosks and exhibition spaces, as well as the navigation in these spaces through computers, tablets, mobile devices and VR glasses. With this platform, trade fairs, which for any reason can not be conducted in real places and with a physical presence of the public and exhibitors, as is the case at this time with the coronavirus pandemic, can be hosted and conducted in a virtual environment to allow the demonstration of products and services, as well as the realization of trade agreements. The project is carried out through the collaboration of two organizations, namely a) the company TETRAGON, which in recent decades has starred in the design and implementation of exhibition spaces and events for public and private agencies, organizations and companies both in Greece and abroad, and b) the Information Technologies Institute of the Center for Research and Technological Hellas (CERTH), which in various European research projects develops, among many others, software tools for composing three-dimensional experiences.


TETRAGON, https://tetragon.gr/en/home/


Dr. Spiridon Nikolopoulos
(Scientific Responsible)
Building A - Office 0.7

Information Technologies Institute
Centre of Research & Technology - Hellas
6th km Harilaou - Thermis, 57001, Thermi - Thessaloniki
Tel.: +30 2311 257752
Fax: +30 2310 474128
Email: nikolopo@iti.gr