
Building The European Network for Lifelong Competence Development
Project ID
Funding Organization:
Funding Programme:
IST: Information Society Technologies - Integrated Project
Start Date:
48 months
Scientific Responsible:
Assoc. Prof. Demetrios Sampson

TENCompetence will meet the needs of users (individuals, groups and organizations in Europe) for lifelong competence development by establishing the best infrastructure, which is possible today, using open-source, standards-based, sustainable and extensible technology.

TENCompetence will conduct RTD activities to further develop and integrate models and tools in four specific areas: the creation, storage and exchange of

knowledge resources,
learning activities & units of learning,
competence development programmes and
networks for lifelong competence development.

TENCompetence will provide:

New innovative pedagogical approaches, assessment models and organisational models forlifelong competence development, supported by the TENCompetence infrastructure.
Software for the effective support of users who create, store, use and exchange knowledgeresources, learning activities, units of learning, competence development programmes andnetworks for lifelong competence development.
Integration of the isolated models & tools for competence development into a commonframework.

The consortium will disseminate the products widely and for free (using open source & creative commons licences). It will develop new business models for SME’s and other companies to provide services in the market. A growing pool of associated partners will be trained to deliver these services in practice.

Pilots are planned for the following areas: a) training for digital cinema, b) training for continuous education of health workers, c) UNESCO-IHE competence development in water management and d) The Antwerp lifelong learning city.


Open Universiteit Nederland (coordinator)
Software de Base, S.A.
Fundacio Universitat Pompeu Fabra
GIUNTI Interactive Labs s.r.l.
Centre for Research and Technology – Hellas
Universitat Hannover
Institut Europeen d’Administration Des Affaires
FD Learning Ltd
The University of Bolton
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”.
Stichting SURF
Weistra consult


Assoc.Prof. Demetrios Sampson (Scientific Responsible)

150 Androutsou Str.,
GR-18532, Piraeus
Tel. +30 210 414.2766
Fax +30 210 414.2767
URL: http://www.ask4research.info/DS_CV.php?lang=el
E-mail: sampson@iti.gr