
Study of the Capabilities and Requirements of Operational Client-Server Health Information System for Diabetes
Project ID
Funding Organization:
Black Sea Economic Cooperation
Funding Programme:
Black Sea Economic Cooperation
Start Date:
9 months
Total Budget:
11,500 USD
ITI Budget:
2,370 USD
Scientific Responsible:

The management of chronic illnesses and conditions such as diabetes represent a major and growing challenge to healthcare services throughout the BSEC Member States. The project aims to provide a clear scientific background for operational Client-Server Diabetes Information System modeling (including Electronic Health Record – EHR – modeling as the first step of the impacting diabetes care prediction) in the BSEC member countries. This task is necessary in order to be able to monitor diabetes care and evaluate the necessary measures and policies according to the International protocols, guidelines/standard operating procedures and indicators.

During the project period, the necessary infrastructure (computer hardware and software) as well as the expertise needed for the successful completion of this task will be record. A first cost estimation will be performed in order to examine the possibility of the implementation of this task in the current and future diabetes care programme.

The project will target to the two basic thematic areas related to the Client-Server Diabetes Information System modeling, EHR models and Web services models. For each one, a full list of the available solutions / models will be drawn together with their technical characteristics and comments resulted from their use to other BSEC countries.

Based on that the BSEC countries will be able to specify the best available solution for the operational diabetes information system modeling based on economical aspects, countries characteristics, issues and present legal implications, confidentiality of patient details, impacting on diabetes care, etc.


Telemedica (RO)
Institute of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases “Prof. N Paulescu” (RO)


Dr. Petros Daras
(Scientific Responsible)
Building B - Office 0.19 Α 2.10

Information Technologies Institute
Centre of Research & Technology - Hellas
1st km Thermis - Panoramatos, 57001, Thermi - Thessaloniki
Tel.: +30 2310 464160 (ext. 156) +30 2311 257755
Fax: +30 2310 464164