Network of Excellence in Content-Based Semantic Scene Analysis and Information Retrieval
Project ID
Funding Organization:
Funding Programme:
IST: Information Society Technologies
Start Date:
36 months
Total Budget:
899,909 EUR
ITI Budget:
111,538 EUR
Scientific Responsible:
Prof. Michael G. Strintzis

The aim of the SCHEMA Network of Excellence is to bring together a critical mass of industrial partners, end users, universities and research centres in order to improve the systematic exchange of information by the forging of links between partners. The SCHEMA Network of Excellence will create a synergy and a multiplier-effect enriching the capabilities of the group of partners by bringing together complementary skills and know-how. The following new research topics, activities and standards will be investigated in the SCHEMA Network: Access to the information using query structures that come naturally to human beings, Retrieval processes which understand the nature of the information in the database, Content-based multimedia analysis, Copyright issues of multimedia, New methods for multimedia access and delivery, Semantic web technologies, MPEG-7 and MPEG-21 standards, User interfaces and human factors. Thus, common R&D agendas will be developed and new technical road maps will de drawn in these areas, so that European expertise and research excellence are strengthened and disseminated worldwide.


Informatics and Telematics Institute
Tampere University of Technology
BTexact Technologies
Universitι Catholique de Louvain
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Universite de Nice – Sophia Antipolis
Dublin City University
Frateli Alinari
Munich University of Technology
Queen Mary, University of London
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Fondazione Ugo Bordoni
University of Brescia
Macedonian Press Agency


Prof. Michael G. Strintzis (Scientific Responsible)

Institute Office:
Informatics & Telematics Institute
1st Km Thermi-Panorama Road,
P.O.Box 361
GR-57001 Greece
Tel. No. +30-2310.464160-2
Fax: +30-2310-464164

University Office:
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Thessaloniki
54006, Thessaloniki, Greece
Tel.No. +30-2310-996351 (direct)
Telefax +30 2310-996342
