Support Action towards Excellence in Media Computing and Communication
Project ID
Funding Organization:
Funding Instrument:
Support Action
Start Date:
30 months
Total Budget:
459,799 EUR
ITI Budget:
101,000 EUR
Scientific Responsible:

SA-EMC2 is a support action to establish a Centre of Excellence in Media Computing and Communications (EMC2). The main objective of the project is to facilitate the persistence and lasting impact of the NoE 3DLife and the IP REVERIE project achievements, as well as other projects in the field Media Computing and Communications (MC2).

The mission of SA-EMC2 is to bring together partners capabilities, knowledge and expertise to facilitate R&D funding through cooperative projects, joint research publication and technology transfer, while advancing the state of the art in MC2. The activities of SA-EMC2 will revolve around the following key objectives:

Academia – Industry matchmaking

Technology transfer to SMEs

Facilitating mentoring, coaching and training towards start-up creation

Formation of online and physical entrepreneurs camps and summer/winter schools in the MC2 field and entrepreneurial focus

Formation of PhD courses on the MC2 field and entrepreneurial focus

Shaping national and European research agendas


Queen Mary, University of London (United Kingdom, Coordinator)
Dublin City University (Ireland)
Institut Télécom (France)
Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications Heinrich Hertz Institute (Germany)
University of Geneva (Switzerland)
Informatics and Telematics Institute (Greece)
Korea University (Korea)


Dr. Petros Daras
(Scientific Responsible)
Building B - Office 0.19 Α 2.10

Information Technologies Institute
Centre of Research & Technology - Hellas
1st km Thermis - Panoramatos, 57001, Thermi - Thessaloniki
Tel.: +30 2310 464160 (ext. 156) +30 2311 257755
Fax: +30 2310 464164