EuRopEAn incubator for trusted and secure data value CHains
Project ID
Funding Organization:
Funding Programme:
Funding Instrument:
Innovation Action
Start Date:
42 months
Total Budget:
6,999,306 EUR
ITI Budget:
147,500 EUR
Scientific Responsible:

Europe has an opportunity to have a leading position on Data Economy, particularly in B2B scenarios. Special focus must be placed on accessing, sharing and reuse of data in an environment of security and Trust, which are fundamental preconditions for the Data Economy. The support of pilot projects and innovation spaces for experimenting with cross-sector multi-stakeholder data innovation is therefore urgent. Efforts need to concentrate on the provision of trusted and secure privacy-aware analytics solutions allowing for the secure sharing of proprietary industrial data along with personal data. REACH aims to launch a sustainable European-wide second-generation incubator for data-fuelled start-ups & SMEs aiming to develop innovative experiments within data value chains. REACH will launch 3 Open Calls expecting to attract +500 data driven concept-applications and select 100 business ideas to undertake a 4-phases funnel Tech-Biz acceleration programme (EXPLORE – EXPERIMENT – EVOLVE – EXPOSE). REACH aims to support the generation of new data-fuelled products & services, drive the development of solid businesses, trigger revenue growth and foster the access to new funding rounds, by offering a full service pack consisted of: tech-training and experts, datasets, technological bricks for secure and trusted data value chains, computing infrastructures, business development training & coaches and up to €120k equity-free funding. REACH will demonstrate that Data Silos can be broken by enabling a multi-stakeholder cross-sectorial incubator to boost data-fuelled sustainable solutions, leveraged by the capacities of the best data-driven DIHs in Europe. Besides a solid consortium to access world class startups/ SMEs and deliver high valuable technological & business services, REACH integrates 3 DIHs and 9 public/ private data-providers and 2 private investor brokers. We aim to generate 10M€ volume investment for SMES creating 15 data value-chains delivering fit-to-market products.


Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA) – France
Universidad de Deusto (DEU) – Spain
Instituto Tecnológico de Informática (ITI) – Spain
Zabala Innovation Consulting (ZAB) – Spain
BrightPixel (BPX) – Portugal
GNubila (GNU) – France
F6S Network Limited (F6S) – Ireland
Estonian Business Angels Network (EST) – Estonia
Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH) – Greece
Systematic Paris Region (SYS) – France
JOT Internet Media (JOT) – Spain
Migros Ticaret Anonim Sirketi (MIG) – Turkey
Yapi Kredi Teknoloji (YKT) – Turkey
Vlaamse Radio en Televisieomorganisatie (VRT) – Belgium
Play and Go Experience (PLG) – Spain
Almerys (ALM) – France
SONAE MC (SON) – Portugal
IDEA75 (IDE) – Italy
Government of Biscay (DFB) – Spain


Dr. Dimitrios Tzovaras
(Scientific Responsible)
Building A - Office 1.1Α

Information Technologies Institute
Centre of Research & Technology - Hellas
6th km Harilaou - Thermis, 57001, Thermi - Thessaloniki
Tel.: +30 2311 257777
Fax: +30 2310 474128