Mobile Tele-Echography using an Ultra-Light Robot
Project ID
Funding Organization:
Funding Programme:
IST: Information Society Technologies
Start Date:
30 months
Total Budget:
3,340,499 EUR
ITI Budget:
568,520 EUR
Scientific Responsible:
Prof. Michael G. Strintzis

OTELO project will study and develop a fully integrated end-to-end mobile tele-echography system for population groups that are not served locally, either temporarily or permanently, by medical experts. OTELO project offers an alternative to medical centers that lack ultrasound specialists.

It is a portable ultrasound probe holder robotic system, associated with new mobile communications technologies, that will reproduce the expert’s hand movements during an ultrasound examination. Although being manipulated by non-specialised staff on the remote site, the slave system will bring, in real time, good image quality back to the expert site where force feedback control will be combined with virtual reality for the rendering of the distant environment.


  • Informatics and Telematics Institute
  • Universite d’Orleans
  • Sinters SA
  • Kell s.r.l
  • Universite de Tours
  • Brunel University
  • Elsacom S.p.a
  • Corporacio Sanitaria Clinic
  • EBIT Sanita S.p.a


Prof. Michael G. Strintzis (Scientific Responsible)

Institute Office:
Informatics & Telematics Institute
1st Km Thermi-Panorama Road,
P.O.Box 361
GR-57001 Greece
Tel. No. +30-2310.464160-2
Fax: +30-2310-464164

University Office:
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Thessaloniki
54006, Thessaloniki, Greece
Tel.No. +30-2310-996351 (direct)
Telefax +30 2310-996342

E-mail: michael@iti.gr