
Fostering Innovation and Creativity in Europe through Public Administration Modernization towards Supplying and Exploiting Linked Open Statistical Data
Project ID
Funding Organization:
Funding Programme:
Funding Instrument:
Research & Innovation Action
Start Date:
36 months
Total Budget:
2,788,012 EUR
ITI Budget:
528,150 EUR
Scientific Responsible:

The OpenGovIntelligence project aims at stimulating sustainable economic growth in Europe through fostering innovation in society and enterprises. Towards this end, OpenGovIntelligence suggests a holistic approach for the modernization of Public Administration (PA) by exploiting Linked Open Statistical Data (LOSD) technologies. This includes new business processes, policies, and tools that will enable the active participation of the society and enterprises in data sharing and in the co-production of innovative data-driven public services.

The objectives of the OpenGovIntelligence project include:

The identification of challenges in opening up and exploiting LOSD for the co-production of innovative data-driven public services.

The creation of a framework comprising business processes, policies, and data infrastructure architectures. This framework specifies a user-centric LOSD Innovation Ecosystem that orchestrates the collaboration of society and PA for opening up and exploiting LOSD to address relevant challenges and facilitate the co-production of innovative data-driven public services.

The delivery of the OpenGovIntelligence ICT toolkit comprising easy-to-use and user-centric tools to facilitate realizing the LOSD Innovation Ecosystem.

The OpenGovIntelligence pilots in six countries to validate and prove the usability and effectiveness of the LOSD Innovation Ecosystem. Within the pilots, services will be developed at both national and local level to tackle societal and PA challenges in various problem areas such as internal decision-making in PAs, enhancing e-services provided by Points of Single Contact in Europe, and improving policy-making in the areas of environment protection, economic growth, and unemployment.


Centre for Research & Technology – Hellas
Delft University of Technology
National University of Ireland, Galway
Tallinn University of Technology
ProXML bvba
Swirrl IT Limited
Trafford Borough Council
Vlaams Gewest
Hellenic Ministry of Administrative Reform and E-governance
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication
Marine Institute
Public Institution Enterprise Lithuania


Prof. Konstantinos Tarabanis
University of Macedonia
Department of Business Administration
Office: 307, Building ΗΘ, 3rd floor
Thessaloniki, Greece

Tel.: +30 2310 891578
