
Next Generation Land Management services for Agriculture and Forestry
Project ID
Funding Organization:
Funding Programme:
H2020-EU.3.5.5. - Developing comprehensive and sustained global environmental observation and information systems
Funding Instrument:
Innovation action
Start Date:
36 months
Total Budget:
3,420,571 EUR
ITI Budget:
110,000 EUR
Scientific Responsible:

NextLand project will develop 15 operational commercial midstream agriculture and forestry Earth observation services. Under a common delivery platform and co-designed with farmers, forest producers, and agronomy or forestry consultancy companies, the services will be able to leverage on GEOSS and Copernicus data and products in the scope of 7 use cases. Overall, the project will create an ecosystem that exhibits the strengths of European service providers along the entire value chain of the hi-tech agroforestry sector.

NextLand aims to develop a set of 15 operational commercial midstream agriculture and forestry Earth Observation (EO) based services under a common service delivery platform, leveraging on GEOSS and Copernicus data and products and complemented by the assimilation of other very high resolution EO and in-situ data streams.

This set of services will be co-designed together with downstream service providers, such as agronomy or forestry consultancy companies, and farmers and forest producers interface institutions, in the scope of 7 use cases. This will create an ecosystem that demonstrates the strengths of European service providers throughout the whole value chain of the hi-tech agroforestry sector.

The code signing approach aims to break the cycle of developing services only with a limited group of end-users from the same region, often leading to solutions tailored to the needs of one specific downstream service provider, usually with a strong regional bias and therefore less easily scalable to other regions.

This approach will ensure the scalability of the services at a more global scale, and consequently it is expected that it will increase substantially the uptake of EO based midstream services by downstream providers. The involvement of the alpha and beta users in the service design is key to enhance the applicability and the reliability of the services to the potential customers worldwide.


CERTH will contribute to Forestry EO services, co-design, test and validation processes (WP2) and to project communication strategy and dissemination (WP6). Furthermore, CERTH has the responsibility of bringing new alpha and beta users to the consortium and provide guidance to the selected alpha users.


DEIMOS ENGENHARIA SA, Portugal, Coordinator
Vlaamse Instelling Voor Technologisch Onderzoek N.V. (VITO), Belgium
DHI GRAS AS, Denmark
Vandersat BV, Netherlans
Terradue SRL, Italy
Universidade Nova De Lisboa (NOVA), Portugal
Bodemkundige Dienst Van Belgie (Soil service of Belgium) ,Belgium
Science And Technology As (S&T), Norway
Centre For Research And Technology Hellas – Information Technologies Institute (CERTH), Greece
European Forest Institute (EFI), Finland


Dr. Ioannis Manakos
(Scientific Responsible)
Building A - Office 2.12

Information Technologies Institute
Centre of Research & Technology - Hellas
6th km Harilaou - Thermis, 57001, Thermi - Thessaloniki
Tel.: +30 2311 257760
Fax: +30 2310 474128