Non Excluding Models for Web-Based Education
Project ID
Funding Organization:
Funding Programme:
IST: Information Society Technologies
Start Date:
28 months
Total Budget:
3,126,063 EUR
ITI Budget:
464,087 EUR
Scientific Responsible:
Assoc. Prof. Demetrios Sampson

The objective of NEMO is to elaborate a deep study of non-formal and life-long educational models for people with special needs that can be implemented by means of the XML-based Internet technologies and tools, and to carry out their implementation and testing in three different training settings.

In NEMO, a complete and integrated framework and a set of IT tools will be made Internet available for the target people through home PC and WebTV technologies. The IT tools will incorporate state of art in WBT (Web Based Training) technologies, push techniques, groupware, and also new concept tools like for example those supporting techniques of “group therapy”.

Measurable result will be a non-excluding Web-Based Education (WBE) Framework, consisting in:

  • A generic WBE model and methodology of its instantiation to a target group.
  • Three instances of WBE models for excluded people including educational contents in their own languages.
  • Best practice recommendations for the definition of Internet-based educational systems, including style guidelines and pedagogical guidelines.
  • The WBE platform and innovative tools able to process the models and provide their contents through Internet.


Sistemas de Imagen y Palabra (SIP), Spain
Centre for Futurism in Education of Ben Gurion University (CFE), Israel
Empowerment through Electronics (ETE), Israel
Informatics and Telematics Institute, Greece
Anaya Group (ANAYA), Spain
Cieza Council (CIEZA), Spain
Pammakaristos Foundation, Greece


Assoc.Prof. Demetrios Sampson (Scientific Responsible)

150 Androutsou Str.,
GR-18532, Piraeus
Tel. +30 210 414.2766
Fax +30 210 414.2767