A modular Collaborative e-Learning Architecture for Life-Long Learning over Broadband Computer Networks
Project ID
Funding Programme:
Information Society - "e-learning"
Start Date:
18 months
Total Budget:
707,643 EUR
ITI Budget:
52,200 EUR
Scientific Responsible:
Assoc. Prof. Demetrios Sampson

During the 1990s, companies invested heavily in many IT systems like ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems – enterprise-wide Financial, Order Processing, Document Management, Manufacturing and HR applications, as well as Web, Portals, Intra and Extra net communication applications, etc… As companies have been automating their transactional and human capital information with these systems, they are faced with two new challenges. These challenges represent both significant change and significant opportunities for organizations. First, it is necessary for companies to integrate their systems and make them able to communicate among them establishing interoperability and transparency. Second their human capital must always be evolving and kept up to date in order to take full advantage of these systems and the knowledge content they contain.

The MINDPORT solution will provide a modular collaborative e-Learning architecture that will address the above issues of deployment and accessibility across a variety of platforms and devices. MINDPORT will also deliver an e-Learning plat-form, application and device independent architecture, with the individual user at the centre of the system, providing tools for the delivery and measurement of Life-Long Learning. Further, the MINDPORT e-Learning portal will provide optimal flexibility and affordability to SME’s, vertical user groups and other economically limited organizations.

MINDPORT will utilize widespread common computer networks as well as broadband computer networks and will try to integrate tools which will include such tools as Virtual Learning Environments (VLE’s) and Content Deliver Networks (CDN’s) in order to provide the greatest flexibility and efficiency for building and delivering rich content, collaboration and commerce functionality. Moreover, current business climate and economies demand that enterprise technology have the capability to adapt to changes in the user base, and integrate with the most demanding applications. The areas of accessibility and collaboration will also be addressed, with an effort made to provide effective tools for use by specialized user groups and persons with special needs.


Assoc.Prof. Demetrios Sampson (Scientific Responsible)

150 Androutsou Str.,
GR-18532, Piraeus
Tel. +30 210 414.2766
Fax +30 210 414.2767
URL: http://www.ask4research.info/DS_CV.php?lang=el
E-mail: sampson@iti.gr