Land-based pollution assessment & monitoring in the Mediterranean coastal waters
Project ID
Funding Organization:
Funding Programme:
Mediterranean Regional Initiative
Funding Instrument:
topic B - Land-based pollution assessment & monitoring in the Mediterranean coastal waters
Start Date:
24 months
Total Budget:
500,000 EUR
ITI Budget:
32,000 EUR
Scientific Responsible:

The main technical objectives of the MEDEOS project are the development, delivery to the end-user community and respective impact assessment of an agreed number of customised EO-based information services for monitoring land-based pollution in the Mediterranean coastal waters.

Three different families of products shall be developed and validated:

• EO directly derived water quality products:

o Total Suspended Matter; (TSM)

o Turbidity;

o Chl-a Concentration;

o Secchi Depth;

o Colored Dissolved Organic Matter.(CDOM)

• EO indirectly derived water quality products:

o Fecal bacterial contamination indicators;

o Eutrophication indicators;

o Harmful Algal Blooms;

o Global environmental anomaly detection.

• River plume extension and characteristics

Additionally, data fusion techniques shall be employed to combine the high temporal resolution of S3-OLCI and high spatial resolution of S2-MSI data, to capture the optimal spatio-temporal coverage over the Mediterranean Sea coastal waters with high-resolution, gap-free maps.

The project is organized in two distinct phases: at the end of the first year a full set of demonstration products shall be delivered comprehending 1-year datasets over 5 different test areas around the Mediterranean coasts; in the second year, those products shall be derived and validated over the entire Mediterranean Sea coasts for the 2015-present time period.

A strong collaboration with relevant end-users is envisioned from the early development of solutions, including collection and analysis of their requirements in terms of both products and services, and identification of the existing gaps. This engaged user shall also provide access to the information/data necessary to produce and validate the service products and participate in the interpretation, validation and evaluation of the new products and services, helping the consortium to access the adequacy and benefits provided by them from the end-user viewpoint.

Promotion is another key element of the MEDEOS project, following a strategy that involves three elements:

• The project website, which will host organized informative material targeting different disciplines and stakeholders and serve as web portal allowing to access and promote the newly developed products.

• Presentation of results during conferences and workshops, and the preparation of leaflets and brochures that can be distributed during these events.

• Preparation and submission of articles to peer-reviewed scientific journals.

While pollution remains a major threat of the Mediterranean Sea ecosystems, water quality assessment is primarily performed based on in situ measurements which are typically expensive, time-consuming and tedious.

Nevertheless, satellite imagery and ocean modelling must be considered in synergy to carry out water quality parameters comparable to the standards already defined by the regulatory actions, taking advantage of the enhanced temporal and spatial coverage of those solutions.


CERTH will undertake the responsibility for coordinating, monitoring and implementing WP.8000 (project promotion).


ELECNOR DEIMOS ; Spain, Coordinator.
SUEZ Smart & Environmental Solutions ; France
TELESPAZIO A Leonardo And Thales Company ; France
I-SEA ; France
Karteris Apostolos – Karteris Marinos OE (KARTECO) ; Greece
Centre For Research And Technology Hellas – Information Technologies Institute (CERTH) ; Greece


Dr. Ioannis Manakos
(Scientific Responsible)
Building A - Office 2.12

Information Technologies Institute
Centre of Research & Technology - Hellas
6th km Harilaou - Thermis, 57001, Thermi - Thessaloniki
Tel.: +30 2311 257760
Fax: +30 2310 474128