Local Development Cooperation Actions Enabled by Semantic Technology
Project ID
Funding Organization:
Funding Programme:
IST: Information Society Technologies - Specific Targeted Research Project
Start Date:
30 months
Scientific Responsible:

The project aims at enabling cross border cooperation between European chambers of commerce (CC) in order to support the development of private company initiatives.

The project will build a European network of LD-CAST Portals that will enable end users (mainly private companies) to access in a seamless mode the services provided by public organisations registered in each LD-CAST portal.

This network will be accompanied by a coherent framework for realizing and exploiting one-stop model platforms at all levels (European, national, regional and local) compliant with the European Interoperability Framework (EIF) guidelines without requiring specific changes in working procedures and systems of the participating organisations.

In order to facilitate the interoperability between different CCs acting as service providers, a common ontology will be defined to model processes, services and different types of requests. Processes will be modelled according to the “business episodes” paradigm. Reuse and larger deployment will be facilitated by building common knowledge and vocabularies for business episode based modelling of cross-border processes and by allowing localisation of the service and process definitions with locabconstraints and rules.

The project Consortium will build a prototype in order to demonstrate how LD-CAST can support all the chain, including service and process modelling, service publication, service discovery, process composition and execution.

The project Consortium spans over the different involved countries. A high scientific contribution is required (to Universities and the research institutes) for the definition of the ontologies and process modelling. Chambers of commerce will act as service providers and support the definition of the processes and services to be addressed. Technological activities required for the implementation and operation of the prototype will be performed in Austria, Italy and Romania.

An integrated field test will be carried out engaging Chambers of Commerce in four European countries: Bulgaria, Italy, Poland and Romania.


DATAMAT’S.p.A. (Italy) (coordinator)
Mediacamere (Italy)
LU1SS — Libera Universita degli Studi Sociali – Guido Carli (Italy)
National Institute for R&D in Informatics (Romania)
SIVECO Romania SA (Romania)
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania’ and Bucharest (Romania)
BOC Information Technologies Consulting GmbH (Austria)
Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Bulgaria)
Lower Silesian Chamber of Commerce (Poland)
Center for Research and Technology Hellas, Informatics and Telematics Institute (CERTH/ITI)(Greece)


Prof. Konstantinos Tarabanis
University of Macedonia
Department of Business Administration
Office: 307, Building ΗΘ, 3rd floor
Thessaloniki, Greece

Tel.: +30 2310 891578

URL: http://islab.uom.gr
E-mail: kat@iti.gr