Knowledge on Demand
Project ID
Funding Organization:
Funding Programme:
IST: Information Society Technologies
Start Date:
33 months
Total Budget:
2,371,766 EUR
ITI Budget:
428,122 EUR
Scientific Responsible:
Assoc. Prof. Demetrios Sampson

The main scope of the KOD project is to make a contribution to the thematic area of “Open Platforms and Tools for Personalised Learning” by the design, development and validation of a novel dynamic and adaptive Learning Environment which enables the individual learner to acquire knowledge just-in-time, anytime and anywhere (through the World Wide Web) tailored to his/her personal learning needs.

This is proposed to be achieved by the combination of the knowledge routes concept and software agent technology leading to the establishment of a learner-centred learning system (the KOD System) which

  • Is based on open architectures and standards
  • Is cost-effective, flexible and adaptable
  • Incorporates common functional, re-usable, interoperable and platform-independent components and building blocks
  • Allows adaptive learning by defining the learner’s prior knowledge status, and by determining the nature, the quantity and the level of lessons/training material to be imported to the KOD System so that a certain learning goal will be achievedThe KOD approach is centred on the extension of current educational content interchange formats (e.g. the Content Packaging Specification currently under extension by international e-learning bodies such as the IEEE LTSC, CEN/ISSS LTW, IMS and ADL SCORM) to facilitate the definition of adaptive and conditional navigation rules taking into account user characteristics (user profiles, testing sessions, etc). These navigation rules will be described together with the learning assets within a single content packaging format, called the Knowledge Packaging (KP) format. The aim of such a notation is to enable instructional designers to describe (in a common, reusable, interoperable and machine readable way) navigational logics which define how knowledge packages (i.e. educational courses, sets of learning assets, etc) can be disaggregated and presented in a different way according to different learner characteristics. As a result, e-learning applications and services can provide different knowledge routes to each individual learner, according to his/her characteristics and needs. The KP format will be used as the interchange format between the specific architectural modules to be developed during the project, which address the needs of all envisaged players of the e-learning arena, namely learners and educational content and/or applications and services providers.



Centre for Research and Technology – Hellas, Informatics and Telematics Institute (CERTH-ITI), Greece (Co-ordinator)
Fretwell-Downing Learning, UK
GIUNTI Interactive Labs S.r.l., Italy
Asociacion Centro Alta Technologia En Analisis Imagen, Spain
PROFit Gestion Informatica S.A., Spain


Assoc.Prof. Demetrios Sampson (Scientific Responsible)

150 Androutsou Str.,
GR-18532, Piraeus
Tel. +30 210 414.2766
Fax +30 210 414.2767
URL: http://www.ask4research.info/DS_CV.php?lang=el
E-mail: sampson@iti.gr