
Dangerous Goods Transportation Routing and Monitoring
Project ID
Funding Organization:
Funding Programme:
IST: Information Society Technologies - Specific Targeted Research Project
Start Date:
36 months
Total Budget:
5,305,564 EUR
ITI Budget:
1,194,955 EUR
Scientific Responsible:

Several thousands of trucks carrying dangerous goods circulate within European roads on daily basis. They utilise urban roads, rural roads, highways, tunnels and long bridges and in some case they are not allowed in some of them. But the actual accident risk and impact when using secondary roads or other alternative ways is not calculated.

In addition, when due to unforeseen events (traffic jams, accidents, etc.) they need to change route, they do not have any particular guidance on the safest alternative nor are consequences of road choice to the business chain and societal risk calculated. GOOD ROUTE aims to develop a cooperative system for dangerous goods vehicles routing, monitoring, re-routing (in case of need), enforcement and driver support, based upon dynamic, real time date, in order to minimise the Societal Risks related to their movements, whereas still generating the most cost efficient solution for all actors involved in their logistic chain.

For this scope, a new classification scheme of the dangerous goods (according to ADR) with infrastructure based safety measures, context of transportation (i.e. level of loading) and vehicle characteristic, will be performed, dynamic data collectionand fusion will be realised from I2V/V2V sources and a series of on-board sensors, risk calculation algorithms will be realised, leading to a new route guidance function, the “minimum risk route guidance”. The system will be integrated with an automatic,local node based, enforcement functionality and tested in 3 Pilots throughout Europe (in Finland, Switzerland and Italy), with emphasis in densely populated areas, tunnels and bridges. In addition, rerouting info and estimated delays will becommunicated to the vehicles logistic chain, thus optimally combining safety with transportation efficiency enhancement.


CERTH/ Informatics and Telematics Institute& Hellenic Institute of Transport
Centro Ricerche Fiat
Planung Transport Verkehr AG
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid/ Life Supporting Technologies
Telefonica I+D
Societa Italiana per il Traforo Autostradel del Frejus
Center of Applied Technologies
University of Stuttgart
Institute of Communications and Computer Systems
Automobile and Touristic Club of Greece
Finnish Road Enterprise


Dr. Dimitrios Tzovaras
(Scientific Responsible)
Building A - Office 1.1Α

Information Technologies Institute
Centre of Research & Technology - Hellas
6th km Harilaou - Thermis, 57001, Thermi - Thessaloniki
Tel.: +30 2311 257777
Fax: +30 2310 474128