General State Archives

Development of a Digital Management System for the General State Archives
Project ID
Funding Organization:
Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs
Funding Programme:
Start Date:
6 months
Total Budget:
297,500 EUR
Scientific Responsible:
Dr. Lambros Makris

The key objectives in the context of this project are the following:

i) Implementation of integrated software for archival data management with modular architecture, that offers:

Acquisition (selection and accession) of archival content

Archive arrangement and multilevel description

Management of the preservation and storage conditions of the holdings

Distribution of archival content (access, dissemination, restoration, reproduction)

Availability of finding aids and digital content in the internet (e.g. search with keywords, authority files or thesauri)

Extended access services to remote users (e.g. digital copies, scalable access rights, e-mail management)

Various reports (e.g. statistics, progress reports, etc)

Collaboration and communication with portals, digital libraries and archival databases

ii) Development of technological solutions for the exploitation, linking and embedding of digital copies generated during the Subproject 1, namely “Digitization, scientific management and documentation of G.S.A. archival data”


iii) Migration of documentation metadata produced (in digital form) during the Subproject 1 “Digitization, scientific management and documentation of G.S.A. archival data” of the project “G.S.A. digitization of cultural collections” and of metadata acquired in digital form according to archival standards by the Central Service and the Regional Services of G.S.A., in agreement with the article 4.2.11, Part B of the Proclamation

iv) Support and maintenance services of the application software

v) Translation of archival descriptions into English and, also, into the native language of the holdings