Design and Engineering of the Next Generation Internet Towards Convergent Multi-Service Networks
Project ID
Funding Organization:
Funding Programme:
IST: Information Society Technologies - Network of Excellence
Start Date:
48 months
Scientific Responsible:
Prof. Leonidas Georgiadis

The main objective of the Euro NGI network is to create and maintain the most prominent European center of excellence in Next Generation Internet design and engineering, acting as a “Collective Intelligence Think Tank”, representing a major support for the European Information Society industry and leading towards a European leadership in this domain. The recent technological advances will lead to exploitable innovative services once the integration of these technologies through innovative architectures is achieved. The Next Generation Internet will offer view multi-service/multimedia, mobility, convergence (services and fixed mobile), Quality-of-Service and variable connectivity as the norm. On one hand, future high-speed wire-line and wireless access technologies provide instant high bandwidth connectivity, which makes difficult to forecast traffic and thus to apply existing traffic engineering methods. On the other hand the technology diversity explodes and mastering such as heterogeneousenvironment becomes essential to the network designer. This requires investigations into new multi-technology architectures. It is understood today that new design, planning, dimensioning and management principles are needed. In this context, the main topics addressed by the NoE are: – Mastering the technology diversity (vertical and horizontal integration) for the desing of efficient and flexible NGI archtectures. – Providing required innovative traffic engineering architectures adapted to the new requirements and developing the corresponding appropriate quantitative methods.


Caisse des Depots Et Consignations (F)
Groupe des Ecoles De Telecommunications (F)
University of Vienna (A)
Institut fuer Technische Informatik und Telematik, Abteilung Telekooperation, Johannes Kepler Universitaet Linz (A)
Universiteit Antwerpen (B)
Universiteit Gent (B)
Technical University of Denmark (DK)
Vtt Technical Reserch Center of Finland (FIN)
Helsinki University of Technology (FIN)

– INRIA – Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (F)

France Telecom (F)
University of Versailles St. Quentin En Yvelines, Prism Laboratory (F)
Alcatel-Cit (F)
Institute de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (F)
University of Stuttgart (DE)
Rheinisch-Westfaellische Technische Hochschule Aachen (DE)
Universitaet Wuerzburg, Lehrstuhl fόr Informatik Iii (DE)
Infosim Networking Solutions AG (DE)
T-Systems Nova GmbH, Technologiezentrum Darmstadt (DE)
Department of Optimization and Operations Research (DE)
Humboldt – Universitaet zu Berlin (DE)
Research Center of Athens University of Economics and Business (GR)
Informatics and Telematics Institute – Center for Research and Technology Hellas (GR)
Technion – Israel Insitute of Technology (IL)
Tel-Aviv University (IL)
The University of Haifa, Department of Statistics (IL)
Politecnico di Torino (I)
Dipartimento di Electronica e Informazione Politecnico di Milano (I)
Universita di Pisa (I)
Coritel – Consorzio di Ricerca Sulle Telecomunicazioni (I)
Universita di Roma “Tor Vergata” Dip. Informatica Sistemi Produzione (I)
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NO)
Telenor Communcation li As (NO)
Agh-University of Science and Technology, Department of Telecommunications (PL)
Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences (PL)
Warsaw University of Technology (PL)
Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores: Investigacao e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa (P)
Instituto de Telecomunicacoes (P)

Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, Instituto Superior Tecnico (P)

University Politehnica od Bucharest – Research Centre for Systems Networks and Software in Telecommunication (RO)
Laboratory 38, Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences (RU)
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (ES)
Telefonica Investigacion Y Desarrollo, S.A.U. (ES)
University of Cantabria (ES)
Itaca – Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (ES)
Universidad Carlos Iii de Madrid (ES)
Royal Institute Of Technology (SE)
Department of Communication Systems (SE)
Bleckinge Institute of Technology (SE)
EPFL – Ecole Politechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH)
Eindhoven University of Technology (NL)
Stichting Centrum Voor Wiskunde en Informatica (NL)
The University of Bradford (UK)
The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge (UK)
University of Surrey (UK)
University College London (UK)
University of Newcastle upon Tyne (UK)
Heriot-Watt University (UK)


Prof. Leonidas Georgiadis (Scientific Responsible)

Tel.: +30 2310 996385
Fax: +30 2310 996312