
Application Service Provider for Educational e-Learning
Project ID
Funding Organization:
Funding Programme:
Start Date:
18 months
Total Budget:
955,466 EUR
ITI Budget:
70,000 EUR
Scientific Responsible:
Assoc. Prof. Demetrios Sampson

eAcademy main objective is to serve the Greek educational and business sector by providing a cheap and user friendly e-learning service accessible for the mass market. eAcademy will be different in several aspects from the existing e-learning solutions on the market. Today, e-learning solutions are very expensive for Content Providers since they require an important investment on infrastructure and on maintenance and support. eAcademy will be an attractive solution for Greek companies who are in their majority SMEs and do not have the funds to invest in expensive e-learning solutions.

eAcademy Platform offers compulsory or optional asynchronous/synchronous conferencing, electronic submissions of assignments, electronic upload of documents distributed by the lecturer, database re-sources and IT tools to the e-students or e-audience. At the same time it provides a back office to its users (the content providers). This back office is needed for the communication environments created between the lecturer and its audience in any form that the lecturer will ask for (messenger, email, voicemail, download and upload of documents and reports).

eAcademy aims at offering a full range of academic and administrative e-services. The main target group will be Private Educational Institutes and Corporations in Greece that offer to interested students and employees, certifications, short term courses and one day courses, which do not require live presence or workshops. These kinds of courses do not demand strict student surveillance thus making it easier for e-learning application.


Assoc.Prof. Demetrios Sampson (Scientific Responsible)

150 Androutsou Str.,
GR-18532, Piraeus
Tel. +30 210 414.2766
Fax +30 210 414.2767
URL: http://www.ask4research.info/DS_CV.php?lang=el
E-mail: sampson@iti.gr