Artcast4D: Unleashing creativity!
Project ID
Funding Organization:
Funding Programme:
Funding Instrument:
Research and Innovation Action
Start Date:
36 months
Total Budget:
3,347,118 EUR
ITI Budget:
427,500 EUR

Advances in immersive technology are an important driver of the experience economy, enhancing the breadth, depth and intensity of the visiting experience at arts and cultural institutions. Yet, they usually are neither readily available nor broadly accessible. First, they require specific developments that can hardly be carried out by most institutions. Second, the inherent affordance of immersive propositions is questioned by the currently evolving world health situation. The objective of the Artcast4D project is to develop a technological framework and tools that will unleash the potential of EU CCIs for designing and developing cost-effective, non-invasive, immersive and interactive users’ experiences. Using both academic and industrial approaches, it relies on theoretical and experimental research, open source software and hardware development together with challenging case studies and onsite beta testing implementations. The innovation lies in the ability to create immersive environments in open spaces, with minimally intrusive projection technology, on the capability to design interactive applications with crowd movement and sensing capabilities, and on the open source availability and ability to extend the solutions. Artcast4D will technically and financially promote the implementation of the technology outside the cultural institutions, implementing 4 pilots in cities around the world (Issy-les-Moulineaux, Hounslow, Valencia, Athens), each one with different artistic topics and experiences, and bringing together creative actors and industrial partners with the civil society. All pilots will include training workshops, and open training modules will be designed for developers and artists. The projects outcomes will also help to derive policy guidelines on how to strengthen the competitiveness and innovation potential of CCIs on national level and EU-level.


Politecnico di Milano POLIMI, Italy
Fondacione Politecnico di Milano FPM (affiliated to POLIMI), Italy
MD Lite MDL, France
The Battleground TBG, Belgium
Université Paris-Saclay UPS, France
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas CERTH, Greece
CulturaLink CLINK, Spain
Watermans – Hounslow Arts Trust Limited WATER, United Kingdom
Issy Media ISSY, France
Genossenschaft IFAA* IFAAR*, Swiss


Dr. Spiridon Nikolopoulos
(Scientific Responsible)
Building A - Office 0.7

Information Technologies Institute
Centre of Research & Technology - Hellas
6th km Harilaou - Thermis, 57001, Thermi - Thessaloniki
Tel.: +30 2311 257752
Fax: +30 2310 474128

Dr. Symeon Papadopoulos
(Scientific Responsible)

Information Technologies Institute
Centre of Research & Technology - Hellas
9th km Thessaloniki - Thermi, 57001, Thessaloniki, Greece
Tel.: +30 2311 257772