Dr. Filareti Tsalakanidou

Postdoctoral Research Associate

  • Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2000)
  • PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2006)
Filareti Tsalakanidou has been working in the Informatics and Telematics Institute of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas since September 2000, initially as a postgraduate research fellow (2000-2006) and then as a postdoctoral research fellow (2006-today). Her research interests include: 3D image processing, 3D computer vision, biometrics, face and gesture recognition, facial expression recognition, affective computing.

Recent Publications

Show all (35)

  • A. Barachanou, F. Tsalakanidou, S. Papadopoulos, "REBECCA at eRisk 2024: search for symptoms of depression using sentence embeddings and prompt-based filtering.", Working Notes of CLEF, 9-12.
  • G. Pantalona, F. Tsalakanidou, S. Nikolopoulos, I. Kompatsiaris, F. Lombardo, D. Norbiato, M. Ferri, L. Kovats, H. Haberstock, "(2021). Decision support system for flood risk reduction policies: The case of a flood protection measure in the area of Vicenza.", Data & Policy, 3, Ε26. https://doi.org/10.1017/dap.2021.23
  • F. Tsalakanidou, S. Papadopoulos, V. Mezaris, I. Kompatsiaris, B. Gray, D. Tsabouraki, M. Kalogerini, F. Negro, M. Montagnuolo, J. Vos, P. Kemenade, D. Gravina, R. Mignot, A. Ozerov, F. Schnitzler, A. Garcia-Saez, G. Yannakakis, A. Liapis, G. Kostadinov, "The AI4Media project: Use of Next-generation Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Media Sector Applications", Proc. 17th Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations Conference (AIAI), Crete, Greece, June 2021. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-79150-6_7.
  • A. Papazoglou-Chalikias, I. Tsampoulatidis, F. Tsalakanidou, S. Nikolopoulos, I. Kompatsiaris, "Evidence-driven policy making using heterogeneous sources of data – the case of a control parking system", 6th International Conference on Connected Smart Cities 21 – 23 July 2020, Zagreb, Croatia (accepted for publication)
  • K. Dimitropoulos, S. Manitsaris, F. Tsalakanidou, B. Denby, L. Crevier-Buchman, S. Dupont, S. Nikolopoulos, I. Kompatsiaris, V. Charisis, L. Hadjileontiadis, F. Pozzi, M. Cotescu, S. Ciftci, A. Katos, A. Manitsaris, N. Grammalidis, "A Multimodal Approach for the Safeguarding and Transmission of Intangible Cultural Heritage: The Case of i-Treasures", IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2018, DOI: 10.1109/MIS.2018.111144858.
Dr. Filareti Tsalakanidou
Building B - Office 0.11

Information Technologies Institute
Centre of Research & Technology - Hellas
1st km Thermis - Panoramatos, 57001, Thermi - Thessaloniki
Tel.: +30 2310 464160 (ext. 126)
Fax: +30 2310 464164
Email: filareti@iti.gr