Mr. Nikos Mallias

Research Assistant

  • Agronomist-Ichthyologist Diploma UTH (2008)

I gratuated from the Department Of Ichthyology and Aquatic Enviroment of Faculty of Agriculure of University of Thessaly in 2008. I am attending the Master “Mediterranean Aquaculture” of the same Department. My diploma thesis of master degree concerns the application of edible films from algae for the safety of fishery products. I worked from 2009-2022 at the pig farm MALLIAS BROS as production manager. Since June 2022, I have been involved in research projects, having participated in a number of projects mainly related to the digitization of the agrifood sector. My research interests are mainly focused on the agrifood sector and food safety.

Mr. Nikos Mallias
Annex in Volos - Office 305

Information Technologies Institute
Centre of Research & Technology - Hellas
78 Filikis Etaireias Str., 38334, Volos, Greece
Tel.: +30 24210 35752