
  1. I. Gkekas, S. Katsamakas, S. Mylonas, T. Fotopoulou, G. Ε. Magoulas, A. C. Tenchiu, M. Dimitriou, A. Axenopoulos, N. Rossopoulou, S. Kostova, E. E. Wanker, T. Katsila, D. Papahatjis, V. G. Gorgoulis, M. Koufaki, I. Karakasiliotis, T. Calogeropoulou, P. Daras, S. Petrakis, "AI Promoted Virtual Screening, Structure-Based Hit Optimization, and Synthesis of Novel COVID-19 S-RBD Domain Inhibitors.",Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, JCIM, vol.65, no. 22, pp. 8562-8585, 2024, doi: 10.1021/acs.jcim.4c01110
  2. S. Mylonas, A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, "SHREC 2022: Protein–ligand binding site recognition.", Computers & Graphics, vol. 107, pp. 20-31, October 2022.
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  1. K. Pliatsika, I. Gkekas, S. Mylonas, S. Katsamakas, E. Pechlivani, L. J. Berg, A. Axenopoulos, B. van de Warrenburg, K. Xanthopoulos, P. Daras, M. Peitz, S. Petrakis, "An AI-predicted chemical compound suppresses ATXN1 protein aggregation and rescues iNSC-derived SCA1 neurons from cell death.",in Proceedings of the International Congress for Ataxia Research, ICAR 2024, London, UK, November 2024.
  2. F. Langenfeld, Y. Peng, Y. Lai, P. L. Rosin, T. Aderinwale, G. Terashi, C. Christoffer, D. Kihara, H. Benhabiles, K. Hammoudi, A. Cabani, F. Windal, M. Melkemi, A. Giachetti, S. Mylonas, A. Axenopoulos, P. Daras, E. Otu, R. Zwiggelaar, D. Hunter, Y. Liu, M. Montès, "SHREC 2020: Multi-domain protein shape retrieval challenge", Computers & Graphics 91 (2020): 189-198.
  3. S. Mylonas, A. Axenopoulos, S. Katsamakas, I. Gkekas, K. Stamatopoulos, S. Petrakis, P. Daras, "Deep Learning-assisted Pipeline for Virtual Screening of Ligand Compound Databases: Application on Inhibiting the Entry of SARS-CoV-2 into Human Cells", in 20th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering (IEEE BIBE), USA, October 26-28, 2020.
  4. F. Langenfeld, A. Axenopoulos, H. Benhabiles, P. Daras, A. Giachetti, X. Han, K. Hammoudi, D. Kihara, T. M. Lai, H. Liu, M. Melkemi, S. Mylonas, G. Terashi, Y. Wang, F. Windal, M. Montess, "SHREC’19 Protein Shape Retrieval Contest",12th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 5-6 May 2019, Genova, Italy.