Mrs. Theoktisti Marinopoulou

Research Assistant

  • Bachelor in Computer Engineering ΑTEITh (2017)
  • Master in «Data and Web Science» AUTh (2019)
Theoktisti Marinopoulou graduated from the Department of Information Technology of ATEITh (2017). In February of 2019 she completed the Master's Program in «Data and Web Science» of the Department of Informatics of AUTh. Since June 2019 she has been working as a research assistant at the Institute of Information Technology and Communications of E.K.E.T.A. Her research interests include Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques, Big Data Analysis and Natural Language Processing (NLP).

Recent Publications

Show all (2)

  • T. Marinopoulou, A. Lalas, K. Votis, D. Tzovaras, "An AI-Powered Acoustic Detection System Based on YAMNet for UAVs in Search and Rescue Operations.", in Proceedings of the 52nd International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (Inter-Noise), Chiba, Japan, 20-23 August 2023.
  • T. Marinopoulou A. Vafeiadis, A. Lalas, C. Rollwage, D. Hollosi, K. Votis, D. Tzovaras, "Two Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network Frameworks Using Acoustic Nodes for UAV Security Applications", International Symposium on Quiet Drones, Paris, France, October 2020.
Mrs. Theoktisti Marinopoulou
Building C (Ganas) - Office Β18

Information Technologies Institute
Centre of Research & Technology - Hellas
9th km Thessaloniki - Thermi, 57001, Thessaloniki, Greece
Tel.: 2311 257796