Dr. Maria Tzelepi

Postdoctoral Research Associate

  • BSc in Informatics, AUTH (2013)
  • MSc in Informatics (Digital Media-Computational Intelligence), AUTH (2016)
  • PhD in Informatics, AUTH (2021)

Maria Tzelepi is a postdoctoral researcher with the Information Technologies Institute (ITI) / Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH). Previously, she was working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Computational Intelligence and Deep Learning (CIDL) research group in the Dept. of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH). She holds a BSc, an MSc and a PhD in Informatics from AUTH, since 2013, 2016, and 2021, respectively. Her PhD thesis, entitled “Deep Learning Techniques in Digital Media” under the supervision of Prof. Anastasios Tefas,  received the best 2020-2021 doctoral thesis award in the area of Artificial Intelligence by the Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society. Her research interests include deep representation learning, image analysis and retrieval, computer vision, and time-series analysis and forecasting. 

Recent Publications

Show all (5)

  • M. Tzelepi, V. Mezaris, "LMM-Regularized CLIP Embeddings for Image Classification.", in Proceedings of the 26th Int. Symp. on Multimedia (ISM 2024), Tokyo, Japan, December 2024.
  • M. Tzelepi, V. Mezaris, "Online Anchor-based Training for Image Classification Tasks.", in Proceedings of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP 2024), Abu Dhabi, UAE, October 2024.
  • M. Tzelepi, V. Mezaris, "Disturbing Image Detection Using LMM-Elicited Emotion Embeddings.", in Proceedings of the LVLM Workshop @ 2024 IEEE Int. Conf. on Image Processing (ICIP 2024), Abu Dhabi, UAE, October 2024.
  • M. Tzelepi, V. Mezaris, "Prototype Anchoring for Image Classification Tasks.", in Proceedings of the 32nd European Signal Processing Conf. (EUSIPCO 2024), Lyon, France, August 2024.
  • M. Tzelepi, V. Mezaris, "Exploiting LMM-based knowledge for image classification tasks.", in Proceedings of the 25th Int. Conf. on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks (EANN/EAAAI 2024), Springer CCIS vol. 2141, Corfu, Greece, June 2024, pp. 166-177, doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-62495-7_13
Dr. Maria Tzelepi

Information Technologies Institute
Centre of Research & Technology - Hellas
Email: mtzelepi@iti.gr
Url: https://mtzelepi.github.io