Mr. Giannis Dilmperis

Research Assistant

  • B. Sc Mathematics AuTH (2022)
  • Msc Artificial Intelligence AuTH (2024)

Mathematician with master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. A scholar of Huawei’s “Seeds for the Future” program for the year 2023.

My research interests cover supervised machine learning algorithms and applications of them, as well as methodologies in deep reinforcement learning. My recent research activities include solving multi-variable differential equations using neural networks (Physics Informed Neural Networks), developing language models for understanding and generating human language (NLP models), and more.

I have been working at the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications (IIT) since February 2024, focusing on the research and development of artificial intelligence and computer vision algorithms for the recognition, interpretation, and prediction of human behavior in proximity to robots.

Mr. Giannis Dilmperis

Information Technologies Institute
Centre of Research & Technology - Hellas