Lectures at ITI for Winter 2011

(All lectures will start at 4 pm unless otherwise stated. Lectures will be held in English.)

– 26 January
Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce
Dr Dionisis Kehagias, ITI

– 2 February
NITOS Testbed: A research and experimentation facility for implementing and evaluating wireless networks
Dr Thanasis Korakis, University of Thessaly & ITI

– 9 February
An innovative user modelling methodology focusing on the elderly and disabled
Nikos Kaklanis, ITI & Surrey University

– 16 February
Towards achieving human performance in robotic tasks using new control methods
Prof. Zoi Doulgeri, AUTH

– 23 February
Leveraging flickr images for object detection
Elisavet Chatzilari, ITI & Surrey University

– 1 March at 10:00 AM
What’s New & Exciting at the University of Houston
Prof. Mr. Ioannis Kakadiaris, University of Huston, USA

– 9 March
Shot descriptors for video scene segmentation
Panagiotis Sidiropoulos, ITI & Surrey University

– 16 March
Activity-related recognition in Ambient Intelligence Environments
Anastasis Drosou, ITI & Imperial College London

– 23 March
Event modelling and recognition in video
Nikos Galelis, ITI & Imperial College London

– 31 March
Multiple kernel learning and feature space denoising
Prof. Josef Kittler, University of Surrey

– 13 April at 10:00 AM
Patterns of thought in humanoid robots
Prof Ioannis Alimonos, University of Maryland USA