Lectures at ITI for the Spring of 2012

(The seminars are given in room ΑΘΗΝΑ of ITI, on Wednesdays, at 4pm, otherwise there will be an early notification. The seminars are in English.)

– 25 April
Robotic handling of clothes: an implementation of the unfolding task
Ms Dimitra Triantafillou, CERTH-ITI

– 2 May
A linear least squares framework for learning ordinal classes
Dr Ioannis Mariolis, CERTH-ITI

– 9 May
Near infrared molecular imaging for cancer diagnosis
Dr Dimitris Gorpas, CERTH-ITI

– 16 May
Logic-based argumentation systems: an overview
Dr Vasiliki Efstathiou, CERTH-ITI

– 23 May
A new erosion model towards a pan-European service for regional erosion monitoring
Dr Christos Karydas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

– 30 May
From Computer to Robotic Vision: just a step or a leap forward?
Dr Lazaros Nalpantidis, KTH, Sweden

– 6 June
New technologies in 3D mapping using laser scanning devices and photogrammetric techniques
Dr Vassilios Tsioukas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

– 13 June
Incremental Methods for Machine Learning Problems
Dr Aristidis Likas, University of Ioannina

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