The collaborative portal on Assistive Technologies and inclusive solutions

There is a growing concern throughout Europe about the difficulties faced by organisations that are carrying out R&D initiatives in the ICT Assistive Technologies (ATs) field when collecting feedback from end-users, disseminating their results to the appropriate audience, looking for organisations able to bring their results to the market, etc. >ATIS4all collaborative portal< ( is the result of an EU-funded project, which aims to help you interact with other key actors in the field and at the same time be up-to-date about latest advances. Some benefits of this portal can be better understood throughout the following story: Mary is a recognised researcher in the ICT ATs field. She has a new disruptive idea that may change the current paradigm in the field. She wants to discuss some loose ends with the end-users in order to have a solid idea for a new project. In the past Mary has faced difficulties to find a set of disabled users to validate her ideas. Therefore, she decides to use the >ATIS4all collaborative portal< ( to discuss her loose ends with the different organisations and end-users involved in the portal. She already knows the portal because she uses it to be up-to-date about new publications, projects, look for case studies, etc. Additionally, by chance, through the portal forums, Mary is contacted by an AT developer, which is interested in knowing her previous R&D results and which one of them is mature to be applied in a commercial product. This is only an example, the portal has many possibilities. You can visit the >portal benefits for universities, R&D and standardisation organisations page< ( to have an overview of them. Join the >ATIS4all collaborative portal< ( and benefit from it. It is free of charge! You only need to >register< ( and >participate< (